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"You fucking hit like an omega bitch!"
"Say that again to my face, jackass!"
"Hit me harder or I'll look down on you as a mate!"
Growling, I put everything into my hit and throw my body against JB. We both go flying across the training room and into the wall.
The stone cracks a bit and blood trickles down his head. He smiles wolfishly down at me and locks his arms around my body.
Shit! I fell for his trap!
Struggling, I try to break free but he rolls our bodies, pinning me to the ground. "God, I love riling you up, baby. Such a temper."
"Don't do this in public! People can see us!" I growl, baring my teeth.
His mischievously wicked eyes lazily trail over my sweat slick body, pausing on my neck where his bite mark permanently rests. I flush, still attempting to break free.
Screw your psycho beastly strength! "Get off!"
His head swivels around to see if anyone is around before dropping down to attack my mouth. I open my mouth to complain but his stupid tongue slips in, taking control. I can't talk.
"Mhmm...s-stop it! I'm not a weak little omega you can just take advantage of you piece of—"
Within seconds, I'm off the ground and find myself slung over his shoulder like a lifeless sack of potatoes. I don't even have a chance to catch my breath before he carries me into the locker room and pushes me into the showers, tearing my workout clothes off like a rabid beast.
Naked and panting, I glare at my annoyingly insatiably horny mate as he turns on the hot spray, taking his sweet ass time removing his own clothes.
"Hurry up." I snap, turning away from him and making use of my time to wash off. "What the fuck are you waiting for now that you've went through all this effort to get me here like this." Huffing.
Strong arms wind around my hips as hot lips and teeth latch themselves to the dip in my shoulder. I fight back a moan as his rough hands replace mine, washing me painstakingly slow and aloof, getting every little nook and cranny of my body. Every curve and muscle thoroughly caressed.
I feel myself relax despite my anger and irritation. He licks at my neck. "You're getting better at this." He teases, slipping his hand between my legs.
Forcing me around to face him, he puts a knee between my legs, prying them apart. His mouth teases mine, biting my bottom lip. "You ever get tired of playing hard to get, my mate?"
I put my palms on his chest but reluctant to push him away. "Ever get tired of the chase?"
"Are you kidding? Who needs to train when I have a little monster keeping me fit at home?" His smile is full of dirty intent. "Chasing and fighting, claiming and owning...dominating the indomitable...how can I not enjoy it?"
A groan slips out as he falls to his knees, taking my cock deep into his mouth, sucking me hard. Gasping, I grip his hair, rocking my hips in defiance and forcing myself down his throat.
Growling, he glares up at me and takes the challenge, deep throating me like a pro. I moan loudly, falling back against the wall as pleasure overtakes me. He chases after, never releasing my most private and sensitive part from his lips.
His hands skim up my legs and reach around to grope my ass. I lean my head back and feel water drench my face.
Without pausing his wild and forceful sucking, two fingers slide into me, thrusting powerfully. I shove a fist against my mouth, crying out in pleasure as cum erupts from my cock and fills his mouth.
He pulls off, swallowing with a cocky smirk.
Panting, I try to regain equilibrium but his fingers moving deep inside me hinder my efforts. "Aren't you going to remove your fingers, asshole!" Gritting my teeth.
His free hand jerks me against his chest, skin to skin. "And why would I do something ridiculous like that when I'm trying so hard to fuck you?"
I claw at his chest in rage. "Listen you—"
"Just give in to me already." He cuts me off with his tongue. "You're mine. We've done this so many times now...why do you still fight it, fight me when I love you so much, huh? Aren't I good to you? Don't I bring you so much pleasure, huh?"
"When are you going to let me have control, damn it! I am more than capable and strong enough to do you, too!"
He snorts. "Wanna make a deal?" His lips trail down my to my chest.
It's hard to think and concentrate with his fingers languidly stroking in and out of my body. I shudder with pleasure. "W-What kind of d-deal?"
"One more battle. If you manage to properly beat me...I'll let you fuck me as much as you want."
"You wanna try?" He teases, finally removing his fingers and slowly easing them into his mouth, winking at me. "Delicious."
My eyes narrow with challenge. "...I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!"
"Bring it on, baby."


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