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My body is literally shaking by my effort of holding back from pulling him back into my arms and claiming him right here, right now. "'ve only known me for two days." I sigh.
His body tightens around me and I feel his lips pressing against my back. How is this the same shy and timid omega I spoke to the other night? Afraid for me to even see his legs and yet he's now begging me to make him mine?
"I d-don't care. It feels like I've known you forever. I know how I feel and I feel this is right. Supposed to be. Maybe we were meant to get out that night and find you. Like fate was drawing us together..."
My brow furrows. "What? What do you mean 'get out'? I thought you were taken out against your will?" I demand, abruptly turning around to face him, accidentally knocking him onto his back in the process.
I gulp as the moonlight shines down onto his gorgeous pale body, his legs splayed open and stretched out on the sheets, his wide oversized shorts giving me a peek of what's being hidden from me.
I close my eyes and try to focus. He scrambles back into a sitting position and lowers his head.
"Answer me, omega. Did you three leave the sanctuary on your own? You lied to us? Why would you do something so stupid!" I chide, thinking about what could have happened to them if we had not have found them. If other alphas would have stumbled across them instead...
His bottom lip trembles. "It wasn't my idea! It was Jimin. They wanted to go out and explore, one last night of freedom before our matings. I couldn't let them go alone. We g-got lost trying to get back." He admits, shamed.
I shake my head in exasperation. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to you! How dangerous these woods are? That sanctuary is the only thing keeping you omegas protected from criminals that would eagerly take you without a second thought. Never planning to rescue you."
He looks up, a little smile on his face. "Which is why I know I belong with you. What are the chances that the very time you are passing through...we decide to leave and find you. D-don't you feel it? The pull?" He demands quietly, hurt.
Sighing, I think about how mad Namjoon is going to be if or when he finds out Jimin purposely convinced them to leave and not got kidnapped. "Baby..." I cant stop the endearment from slipping from my lips.
He blushes every time I call him by the name. I can't find it in me to stop. "Baby, you need the society. You need that security. Don't you want to have pups? A family?"
He pouts, grabbing my hands. "Why c-can't I have that with you? Am I not good enough? D-do you really not want me? I could...have yours. I want to." He pleads softly, looking more depressed and dejected with every second of this crazy conversation.
       I cup his face in my hands and kiss his plump pink lips, savoring the taste as I move my mouth back and forth over his. "It's not that. You are way too good for me. I don't deserve you and I despise the thought of another taking you but what if you changed your mind? You can never go back, Jin. If I were take you and mate you. We both know you'd get pregnant and then what? I can't just waltz back into society with a pregnant omega that wasn't acquired through the proper means. They will think I kidnapped and forced a mating. Maybe think I brainwashed you into sticking with me. They'd never believe you chose to be with me of your own free will. No way." I try to explain.
       He scoffs. "Don't you see that's why I don't want to go back? The fact you just admitted to having to 'acquire' me like I'm just an item. Not real. Not breathing with real feelings and emotions and thoughts. Just a possession. Out here...I can have my own thoughts and feelings. I can be myself." He pauses. "I can be myself with you."
       I blink. "I don't want you to regret this. You don't know what you're truly asking for, omega."
      He laughs softly, tears filling his eyes. "I'm not asking for much. J-just make me yours. Just keep being you. That's all I want. You to be you and me to be me. Together."
       Groaning, I kiss him deeply, our tongues twining effortlessly as my hands skim down his sides to clutch his hips. This is so stupid. I'm stupid. Fuck, the others would kill me if they knew I was a actually considering just doing it, just throwing caution and risk to the wind and mating him.
      It's a heady rush, the thought that I'd never have to imagine him with some other ungrateful alpha and my lovely omega full of his pups—unhappy and yearning for more.
      I could give him more. I could give him the identity that society refuses. We could stay here, make our own settlement and home. Safe and unbothered....
      Taehyung...this will never work. You have to stop this. He could die out here. You can't even feed him properly...
       Swallowing hard, I pull away and kiss his forehead. "Let's just sleep for now baby, okay? Let's talk about this later."
       He looks disappointed but nods all the same as climbs back under the sheets. I wrap my arms around him from behind and nuzzle my face into his neck, breathing in his sweet vanilla scent. He scoots back until every inch of our bodies are fused together.
       I don't think I've ever felt more right in my entire life as I drift off to sleep to the sound of his soft snores. I've never dreamed so deeply.

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