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     "Well...are you going to say anything?" Yoongi chides, annoyance flashing in his beautiful eyes as he waits impatiently for me to speak up.
     This is the chance I've been waiting for so why can't I open my mouth. Every time I try I feel like I'm choking. I release his hands and begin pacing the room, unable to look at him. Look at his very warranted judgment.
     "Whatever. I'm leaving." He huffs, getting up and making his way to the door. Panicking, I reach out to stop him, grabbing his arm a little too tightly on accident.
     He yelps as I pull him to my chest. "Hang on. I'm sorry. This isn't easy for me, okay." I wrap my arms around him, afraid to let go. Afraid to watch him leave me.
     He struggles. "You think this is easy for me? After everything you've done to me..."
     "I know, okay. I know. Just...please." I guide him back to the bed and gently push him back down. I stare down at him. "Since the moment I met you, I knew I was screwed. That first look...before you even knew me...had me lost, obsessed. I just had to have you, Yoongi."
    His lips tremble but he says nothing.
    I continue. "I never thought I'd get the chance, though. I had given up almost immediately—but then I saw you again. In person and up close. I was lost. I just knew in that moment that you belonged to me. It was fate. There was no other way in this lifetime I would have ever crossed paths with you. I still feel that way."
     "You lied—"
     "Yes and no. Listen—maybe I overexaggerated a bit on some things to you but I never lied about believing we were meant to be. I felt something the moment I saw you and I still feel it. Yes, I lied about the mating situation. I lied about our bonding to make it easier on you. I didn't want you to be afraid of me. I love you, Yoongi. I've never wanted someone or something so much in my entire life than you. Is that so wrong?" I plead.
      He scoffs, looking away. His hands are shaking but I look over it. "It is wrong. If you really love me like you claim then you should have been honest with me upfront."
     "Have you met you! You are so hard to get close to, Yoongi. So sarcastic and guarded. If I would have told you the truth about everything upfront you never would have accepted me. You would have run as fast as you could the other way and you know it! Never would have given me a chance. Look at me!" I grasp his chin gently and stare into his eyes. "Really fucking look at me. You know me. You know how much I love you. I would do anything for you to keep you safe. Do you really believe I'm so evil that I would hurt you or purposefully cause you p-pain?" My voice breaks.
     A tear slides down his cheek and he breaks out of my hold. "I j-just can't trust you, Hoseok. I don't know if Jungkook told me the truth. I'll admit I'm confused and hurt right now. Maybe I'm not thinking straight but I know you also lied to me about the reason you were arrested. You murdered that beta and omega for no reason!" He yells.
      My eyes narrow. "Jungkook tell you that, too?"   
    He doesn't answer, just glares at me.   
    I shake my head, standing back up and pacing again. "It's a long story. I'll admit that it makes me look like really bad. It was selfish as well." I finally admit.
He waits without comment, urging me to continue.
I take a seat beside him, trying not to get upset when he slides a little farther away from me. "I intentionally went after that beta."
"He used to work under our father. He was one of the few that didn't work to protect the omegas in the sanctuary. He was a shit and menace, honestly. He intentionally sabotaged Taehyung to get him kicked out of our family. Thinking he could rise to my father's side over his own sons and take over.
When I learned the truth I went off and sought him out. I found him right after talking to Taehyung who had almost been disowned under his lies. I was enraged. I attacked him, wanting to teach him a lesson. He fought back. I never even saw that omega until he ran out at me. I was completely focused on the beta that by the time I realized what I'd done it was too late. I would never lay a hand on an omega purposefully."
"Y-you threatened Jin..."
I groan. He heard that? "Yes but it was empty. I never would have touched him. Taehyung would kill me if I even thought about it. I was stressed and angry. It was wrong and I admit that. I'm sorry, baby. Please...can you really hate me so much?"
It kills me. The way he refuses to look at me. Won't talk to me. I really messed this up. God, Tae was right. I should have risked it all upfront and been honest. Sure I probably would have lost him still but maybe that would have been better than losing him now after everything...
He takes a deep breath. "I d-don't hate you. I want to, I really do, but I don't. I can't. I've tried. I'm so mad at you. I don't know when I'll ever trust you again if I ever will. I just...I don't want to be in this situation." His voice cracks and I know he's crying.
I hesitantly scoot closer and pull him back against my chest, kissing his head. "Yoongi, please. I will never hurt you. I will try to be as open and honest with you as I can. Will you just give me one last chance even if I don't deserve it?"
He chuckles bitterly. "I don't really have a choice. You're my alpha. I'm bound to you. I'm having your pups whether I want this or not. There's nothing I can do." He sounds so defeated it breaks my heart.
I did this. I ruined this perfect angels life. Ruined his body and his heart. Took away his options. Maybe I am the monster everyone thinks I am.
Wiping his tears away, I turn him in my arms and stare into his eyes, caressing his cheeks before dipping down for a kiss. His lips are soft and plump and salty sweet.
He gasps into it and I grab the vulnerable moment to slide my tongue inside, tasing him. His hands grasp onto my shoulders, squeezing as I deepen the kiss, missing him too much. It's been so long since he's let me touch him in any way. I need him.
Carefully, I ease him down on the bed and begin pulling off his clothes. He tries to hide himself from me but I jerk the blankets away, spreading him wide open. My eyes devouring his plump pale body. All mine.
His cheeks are flushed as I take his mouth again, massaging his calves up to his thighs and back down. "Let me love you, baby. Let me show you how much I want and need you. Let me take care of you."
Biting his lip, he reluctantly nods and I feel my heart soar. He's finally giving me a chance. Smiling softly, I move down his body until I'm kneeling at the end of the bed and begin kissing his the soles of his feet, massaging deeply and loving the soft muffled moans from his mouth.
    "W-What are you..."
    "Shh, let me worship your body. Take my time." I lick up his ankles, taking my time to slowly work up his body going back and forth between both legs. His entire body relaxes and I beam, massing his upper thighs while sucking gentle hickeys behind my hands.
     His moans get louder, his bucking. I watch, enraptured, as his cock plumps up and drips sweet nectar down his shaft. His hole glistening as I slide my lips up to lick over it. He gasps, thighs shaking.
     Groaning, I suck on his hole, tasting his delicious flavor in my mouth as I massage his balls, feeling their heft. I know he needs this as much as me if his little whimpers are anything to go by.
     "Ahh...d-don't Stop...please..." He whines, pushing his ass against my face, his fluids gushing around my mouth. I lap it up, thrusting my tongue inside as I reach up to stroke his aching cock.
      He gasps. Leaning up on his elbows, he watches me with wide wet eyes, his fingers grasping my hair and pulling as his body shivers and within moments he cries out, cumming all over my face.
      Moaning, I drink down his fluids before licking his balls and taking his softening cock into my mouth, sucking it clean of his bittersweet climax.
      Panting, sweat forms on his forehead as his stomach trembles. I climb up the bed between his legs and squeeze his ass, taking his lips much rougher this time, my own need for my mate coming through full force. I'm trying to hold back but it doesn't help when he begins tearing and ripping at my clothes, forcing them off.  
      Eagerly, lost in him, I comply. Practically shredding them as I help him strip me naked and lay down on top of him, careful of our pups between us. 
     He groans, rubbing our groins together. I wrap a hand in his hair and jerk, pulling him up to meet my mouth as our tongues duel, both our passion and denied needs coming out and taking over. It's been so long.
      "Ah, baby...tell me this is okay. Tell me I can take you. Tell me that you still belong to me—body and heart." I plead, kissing down his throat.
     He clings to me, wrapping his thighs around my hips. "G-god...Just fuck me, Hobi." He whines, clenching his eyes closed. "I need this so bad."
    "Tell me you need me." I beg, uncaring how pathetic I sound.
     His eyes flash and he bites my lip hard. "J-Just...inside" he groans.
     I force myself to stop and pin his wrist above his head before I lose my sanity and do something we both regret. "Yoongi...please." I press my forehead against him, on the verge of losing my thin control. He continues to grind up against me. I fight it.
      He glares at me, eyes glistening. I know he's trying to avoid it but I won't let him. I won't let him make this nothing between us. Never. "Fine." He spits, body shuddering as his emotions are finally bursting out. He blinks back tears.
     "I n-need you, Hoseok. I want this—want you. I don't want to but I do. I love you, okay? I want to hate you but I just can't. My heart won't let me. I need this because it's you. I need to feel loved and cherished and close to you. P-please...make me feel good and don't h-hurt me again." He whispers, crying softly.
      Finally. The dam has broken inside him. I feel my own tears well up as I lick his away. "I promise, Yoongi. Baby, I love you. From now on I will do anything and everything to make you happy. I'll never hurt you or lie to you again. Not intentionally. Will you put your trust in me one last time? I won't let you down." I vow, confident and sure.
     I'm never giving myself a chance to lose this again. Not him. Whether he believes it or not he's my soulmate. I know he is. For sure.
     He's silent under me a long time before swallowing hard. "O-Okay. Okay, I'll try to trust you but if you ever lie or hurt me again...I will castrate you in your sleep." He threatens, eyes alight with fire. It's beautiful and fiery and passionate and it makes me smile.
     "And I'll let you."
     Nodding curtly, he runs his hands down my shoulders and backs, dragging his nails and making me shudder. "Now fuck me before I decided to castrate you right now." He demands.
      Fuck. I love my little spitfire. As an alpha I've never liked following the orders of others but with Yoongi? I'll do anything my wild omega commands of me. He's got me hook, line, and sinker. I'm his even more so than he's mine.
      I lace our fingers together, wasting no more time, as I slide deep inside him. Swallowing his cries and moans as I take his body, satiating both of us. Reaffirming our broken bond. Maybe we can begin to heal. Maybe this isn't complete destroyed.
     I tilt his head and bite down, remarking him as he cries out, shuddering apart underneath me. No pain this time. No fear. Just a new beginning. We can make it. I know we can. I have hope.
     Now I just hope our relationship can help repair Taehyung and Jin's as well. I don't want our problems to bring the end to their love. They don't deserve that. They deserve happiness even more than we do.
     We have to be the example and show them that no matter how rough or rocky our relationship is, we can make it through. I know they can, too.
     I'm done being selfish. I will change. I'll do anything to keep what's special between Yoongi and I. I'll help my brother reconnect with his mate as well.
     If Yoongi can forgive me after all my sins...then Jin can forgive Taehyung for my sins as well. Surely.

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