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Grunting, I wipe the sweat out of my eyes and bend down fast, doing a low round kick to knock my opponent off the ground. The larger beta growls angrily and picks himself up instantly.
I prepare my stance, ready for his next move as he charges at me—
Only for him to be jerked back by JB. The beta winces at his hold and shakes himself free, grumbling as JB takes his place as my opponent. I scowl. "What the hell? I had him!"
He cracks his neck and prepares to at attack me. Both of us circling around the other. "Why have you been avoiding me?"
I dodge his blow from a high kick and manage to land my own. He flinches but keeps strong. "I'm not."
"You are."
"I'm not. I have work to do and practice to attend. I've just been assigned a new omega that is scared. I want to make sure I'm fully prepared to protect him."
JB scoffs. "Stop trying to make up for losing Yoongi. You were not at fault just like I wasn't at fault for losing Jin and Rose wasn't at fault for losing Jimin. Shit happens. You were always there when you needed to be. We had a mandatory meeting that could not be ignored. There was nothing we could do."
I stop trying to fight him and just straighten, removing my gloves. "I'm not talking about this again. As a beta it's my job to continue my training and remain on guard. I'm not blaming myself for Yoongi anymore. You're not helping anything."
He follows me as I leave the training center for the locker room and showers. I hesitate at my locker, eyeing him. He leans casually on the next one and crosses his arms, watching me knowingly.
I sigh, closing my eyes. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all, baby boy. Go for it."
My eyes open to his little annoying smirk. "I promise I'm not avoiding you, JB. I'm not. I just...I just need some space..." I stutter.
He tilts his head, closing the gap between us. His finger pressing under my chin and lifting it up. "We both know why you're doing this. You're scared of us."
I huff, forcing him to the side to open my locker and grab a towel and some fresh clothes. I pause, staring at the ground. "I'm not scared of us. I'm scared of you...and how you make me feel."

Thankfully, he doesn't follow me into the showers and I'm able to get clean without stress and being watched. Now I know how Yoongi felt and why he never wanted me to help him bathe. It's terrifying letting someone else see you like that.
I've never even thought of these things before JB admitted his feelings for me. Perhaps I have been unconsciously avoiding him. I can't help it. He makes me nervous. Knowing that he wants me and eventually will have me...I don't want to deny him but I'm just...scared. Crap.
He's still in the locker room waiting for me when I come out. I give him a little smile. "Sorry."
He gets up and stands right in front of me, resting his hands on my shoulders, a serous look on his face. "I love you, Jungkook. You do know that, right?"
Biting my lip, I nod. Blushing. "Y-Yeah, I do."
"Do you love me?"
I hesitate. "I don't know." I want to be honest.
He nods as if expecting that answer. "I won't stop until I make you love me. Fully and unconditionally."
I try to look away but he doesn't let me, forcing me to gaze up at him. He really is handsome...he'd make an amazing alpha...
"You're so beautiful, Kookie." He whispers, brushing his thumb over my lip. My mouth opens at his urging and before I know it, I'm pressed against the wall and his lips are on mine, tongue invading my mouth.
I cling to him, tangling my fingers in his hair as his hands move down to my hips, squeezing. I lose myself in him. My heart swelling and insecurities fading. Why am I resisting this so much? This is perfect. We're perfect.
He truly knows everything about me. I think he knows me better than I do. I don't want him to give up on me. Don't want him to ever look at someone else the way he does me.
We break away and I duck my head, panting. My hand fisting in his shirt. "But I'm not giving up everything for you. You have to let me do my job and not be afraid for me to get hurt. I'm strong. One of the best and you know it." I remind him.
He sighs, caressing my cheeks. "I know you are. You make me so fucking proud. I just hate anyone else touching you—even when training." He captures my lips again. "Can I be your personal trainer?"
I snort, smiling up at him, teasing. "I don't know. I think you might get distracted too much. You'd be useless to me."
He scoffs in offense. "Useless? I'll show you useless!" He growls, lifting me up into his arms and over his shoulder, carrying me down the hall to his bedroom. I beat on his back, kicking for freedom but stop when he smacks my butt hard making me yelp.
I'm a beta! This is degrading! "Put me down!"
He does. Plops me right down on his bed. I gasp up at him, shocked and shy as he smirks down at me. "J-JB."
He kneels on the bed in front of me. "Don't worry. I'm not taking you until you're ready but I want to love on you and your body. Can I do that? Let me show you how I feel about you. How you make me crazy." He whispers, kissing me and pushing me onto my back.
I moan, nodding. "O-Okay."
"I can't wait to make you mine, Jungkook. I hope you know that despite my aggression...I will cherish you and pamper you."
"You know I don't need that, right?"
He opens his mouth to speak when the door suddenly flings open to reveal IU. I suck in a breath as JB slowly lifts off me.
She eyes us in shock. "Uh...w-what's happening in here?" She seems dazed.
I sit up. "Nothing! Nothing at all!"
The same time JB says "Mating."
I glare at him. "We are not."
She nods slowly, obviously suspicious. "Whatever. Look, we have another meeting in ten minutes. Be down at the training center in five." She closes the door, going to the next room.
I groan and bury my face under the pillow, embarrassed. JB laughs and smacks my butt. I pout. "Ssstttooopp!"
"Come one, baby. She doesn't care and I told you she's mated to Rose now anyway. She can't say anything. Let's go so we don't get in trouble."
Scowling, I push passed him and all our ducking my head, blushing. He follows behind chuckling the entire time. I just know he's staring at my ass.

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