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      "It's not your fault."
       I glare at JB as I punch a nearby wall. I've searched nonstop for my omega for the past week, coming up empty every time. I should have been watching him better. "Fuck off."
He sighs. "We had no choice! We had to go into our regulated training! How were we supposed to know they'd be taken during that time?! You think I'm not upset? I'm fucking pissed and worried, too, but there is nothing we can do!"
I stare into Yoongi's dark room, the memories of the last time I ever saw him trapped in my mind. That kiss. The fact I forced it on him. The fear in his eyes. Shit! I don't want him to remember me like that!
"You heard what the masters said. They are either dead or contaminated. Even if we found them we'd never be able to bring them back now. It's too late." He sounds very upset.
A tear escapes my eye. "I have to find him." He's mine. "He never wanted to get mated anyway. I could protect him and keep him safe. He doesn't have to worry about anything with me." I know I sound delusional and the look JB gives me just solidifies it.
" know you aren't allowed to touch an omega in any way other than when you do your job. You're honestly worrying me. You don't like Yoongi like that, right? You know that's against the rules."
"Fuck hell. You're gonna get your ass killed! You think I don't love and worry about Jin? I do. It torments me all the fucking time! I had one job and I failed him but I know my limits. We have to get over it. We're being assigned new omegas. You have to move on."
I clench my fist. "How can they be replaced so easily! This isn't right!"
He frowns. "They were going to be replaced anyway. After their matings. Either way they were not going to be here much longer. It's our job to understand that and move on."
I glance up as the door opens to see IU and Rose. Both their eyes red. Rose breaks down. "The masters have decided to tell their future mates that they are dead. We have to end the searches now." She sobs. Her bond with Jimin was very strong.
I growl, kicking the wall. This isn't fair or right! They might need our help! They could be hurt right now! "We can't just abandon them like they never fucking existed!" I yell.
        IU frowns, straightening up. Despite her obvious sadness, she's still our leader. "There is nothing to be done. Although we will never forget them, we must follow our master's rules and decisions. They have been gone a full week now. Their mating time has gone and passed. Their destined alphas have already been given reselected omegas. We have no power in this. I know it's upsetting but we must continue to do our job properly." She says sternly.
       Rose wipes her eyes. "Yes, w-we must do our jobs." She whispers.
       In anger, I leave the room, shoulders shaking as I imagine horrible scenarios for my omega. He must be so terrified—never having been out on his own. He could have been raped by now. Maybe pregnant with pups or worse...dead. I shudder, wrapping my arms around myself. I'm sorry I failed you more ways than one.
       "Jungkook...Kookie." JB whispers from behind me.
        I try to steel myself as I turn around but I'm surprised by the depth of pain in his eyes. "Y-Yeah?"
       "Y-you're in love with him, aren't you?" He asks, his voice breaking. There something in his eyes, though. Something I can't place.
        I hesitate. "Yes."
        He doesn't seem surprised but the pain in his eyes seem to grow and flair. A spark of anger resides as well. "Do you want to know what's funny?" He asks, laughing without humor.
        "Jin was in love with me. At least, he thought he was. He doesn't know what love is, though. It was just an infatuation. He thought I didn't know but I did. It was dangerous and I feared for him and his sensitive emotions. I didn't want to hurt him."
        "I didn't know that."
        He smiles grimly. "I always knew you were in love with Yoongi but I think maybe it was just an infatuation as well. You know it never would have came to anything. It couldn't."
       I huff, mad that he's discarding my feeling so easily. "You don't know anything." I hiss.
       He steps forward, crowding me against the wall in Yoongi's room. The same way I had crowded the poor omega that last time. He presses his palms on either side of my head. "Did you touch him? Kiss him?" He demands. He sounds...jealous? No, that's crazy. This is JB.
        This is dangerous. If I lie I think he'll know but if I don't...well...he could report me and have me killed. Swallowing hard, my lips part to breathe. "Yes."
        Growling, he slams his lips against mine in an aggressive manner. I grunt, surprised and struggle but he's always been just a tad stronger than me. His tongue forces entry into my mouth but I know longer feel like fighting it. I did this very thing to my omega. Not intentionally but still. I deserve this.
        His lips feel nice, though....he tastes really good...smells good...
       I moan as his hands cup my face and he tries to suck my soul out through my mouth. It's intense and breathtaking and shocking and I honestly don't know what to do.
        "I'll make you forget how it felt to kiss him, touch him. I'm going to replace him, Kookie. I'm going to take his place and make you fall for me instead." He whispers against my lips.
       I pant, staring up into his eyes. "W-Why?"
       He rubs his thumb over my wet bottom lip. "Because I'm in love with you. I want you and you're going to be mine." He says confidently. It's a little shocking how honest and sure he sounds.
       I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off by kissing me again. I kiss back, my defenses being torn down so easily by my vulnerability at the moment. For so long I've wanted Yoongi like this but....but JB makes me feel new things I've never felt when with Yoongi. He makes me feel weak where I'm used to being the stronger protector. Why do I like this?
        He makes me feel wanted and cherished. Possessive over me and although I never thought I'd want that...the feeling is intriguing and I like it.
        My hands tangle in his hair as he reaches down to the backs of my thighs and lifts me effortlessly up into his arms, pressing me hard against he wall. I gasp, shook at his strength. Sure, I've sparred with him many times but to think he's been holding back on me all this time...I shiver as he pins me to the wall and slides a hand between my legs.
       I moan, tossing my head back and closing my eyes as his lips latch onto my throat.
       "You're mine, Kookie. I've wanted to claim you since the day I met you years ago. I knew I had to wait until our omegas were gone but I always planned to make you mine." He growls, biting my Adam's apple roughly.
        I gasp, grasping his shoulders as he rubs my erection through my pants. "J-JB..."
        He takes my lips again, moving us over to the bed—Yoongi's bed—and dropping down over me, pinning me down. "Don't resist this, Kookie. You belong to me, I feel it. Deep down you know it, too." He groans.
        I whimper, having never been touched before. While I know a lot of betas aren't nearly as innocent as the omegas they guard—I've kept myself chaste. The only physical thing I've ever done with anyone is kiss Yoongi.
       I know JB has bragged in the past about having sex many times with alphas and other betas—male and female...but it's never appealed to me. I've always just kept my gaze on Yoongi like I'm supposed to. Somehow it turned wrong, though.
       I don't know what happened...why I fell. Or thought I fell? I'm so confused right now.
       My eyes snap open when I feel him opening my pants and I push him off me—or try. "W-wait! JB, please! Don't."
        He pauses, gazing down at me. "What is it? I know you want this, too. What's the big deal?"
        I bite my lip, embarrassed. He doesn't know that I'm still...innocent. I highly doubt that thought ever crossed his mind. "I'm not...I mean...I..."
        He sits back, his hands still grasping my hips. "What? What's wrong?"
        I look away. "I'm a virgin. I don't know...."
        He gapes down at me. "How is that possible? I mean, I've dreamed of being the one to take you but never thought it could ever be real...."
        "I'm not like you..." I frown. Maybe a hint of jealousy of my own. He's such a whore.
        He sighs, cupping my face again and kissing my lips in a much gentler way. "I'm so sorry, baby." He studies my eyes. "Please...let me be the one. Be mine and only mine. I promise I'll make you never want or need anyone else."
        I sit up fully. "I need you to be patient. I'm not ready...I'll admit that maybe I do feel it—something between us but I'm not ready to go that far yet."
       He sighs but nods. "Alright but I'm warning you—from this moment on you belong to me. You're mine and if I ever see you flirting with another...I'll kill them and take you immediately. Your innocence is mine alone." He growls.
        As barbaric as it's kinda hot. The possessiveness he feels for me. Is this how omegas feel when their alphas get this way? Does he want me that much? "I never knew you were like're so much different with Jin."
        He chuckles. "Baby, that's different. I love Jin but in a familial way. Of course I would have to be sweet and gentle with him. You're not an omega, though. You're a beta and I know you can take me as I am. You need it just like I need you." He says.
       "I just...I can't let go that easily."
       He nods. "You don't have to but know that you're future is with me. You never had a chance with him and you know I'm right. Let me take care of you and the hurt." He takes my hand, squeezing. "O-Okay..."
       "That's it, baby." He coos, kissing my lips again but nowhere near as aggressive as before. "Just focus on me—just look at me from now on. I'm yours as well."
       He pulls me into his arms and I cling to him, needing his comfort like air to breathe. "I think Rose and IU are together." I whisper randomly.
        He chuckles. "Baby they've been together since a few days ago. They've already mated."
        I gasp, shocked. "W-What? Why didn't anyone tell me?"
        "You've been so busy searching for the omegas that no one wanted to bring it up. Baby, I know it's sad and it hurts us all but life must go on."
        I release a heavy breath. "You're right. I'm sorry."
        "Don't be. I'll help you heal." He vows, kissing my forehead.
        God, I never thought this day would turn out like this...all this time...all the sparring and fighting...the looks he's given me in the past...I never knew. For once I feel wanted and I like it. I don't feel as useless anymore...maybe I can still be happy without my omega.

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