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"Calm the fuck down! You can't just go down there and kill him! Let Yoongi handle this—"
"Are you fucking with me?! That's my goddamn mate! That beta bitch touched him before! I don't want Yoongi anywhere near him!"
I punch Hoseok in the face, holding him pinned against the wall, trying to stay in control of the feral alpha. "Stop! You think Yoongi will be happy with you if you hurt his beta?"
"I'm his alpha!"
"We both know he doesn't care!"
Namjoon sighs and I glare at him as he just sits on the steps watching us. He could be fucking helping me!
Hoseok shoves me off. "What's your deal anyway? You've been acting weird." He says, trying to calm down. I place my body in front of the cellar door in case he decides to make a run for it.
Namjoon drops his head in his hands. "I messed up."
"With the betas? Uh, yeah, you did—"
"I could care less about that beta. I'm talking about with Jimin." He whispers.
Hoseok and I frown at him. "What do you mean?"
He hesitates, looking past us up the stairs. "I hurt him."
I stiffen. "You hurt him? How did you hurt him?" I ask for clarification.
His shoulders slump. "I...I claimed him."
"...didn't he want that?"
Groaning, Namjoon shakes his head. "N-not the way I did it. It wasn't right. I don't think I can ever face him again."
     I really don't know what to say to him. "Is he okay? I haven't seen him.." I glance at Hoseok who shakes his head.
     "No. I don't think he is."
     I open my mouth to speak but stop when I see Jin peak his head around the corner. His eyes are red and he looks at Namjoon with hatred. Not good. Shit.
     "Namjoon—watch him. Keep him in check. I need to go check on my mate." I explain, leaving them to deal with my brother's crazy mental break as I round the stairs and pull Jin into my arms.
      I keep him quiet as I walk him into the bedroom but pause when I see Jimin asleep on our bed. I look at my mate.
     "He h-hurt him, Tae. Really bad." Sniffling, he buries his face in my neck.
     I run my fingers through his hair comfortingly. "Sweetheart...maybe it's not what it seems. We know Jimin wanted to be mated, right? I can't see Namjoon purposely hurting him." I admit.
      Just seeing the alpha's clearly broken and guilty face it's clear that he would never intentionally hurt his mate.
     He shakes his head. "He forced the mating, Tae. He took him against his will! R-raped him—"
     I slap a hand over his mouth. "Stop! That's a very extreme accusation, Jin. You can't just say that shit. Did Jimin say that's what happened?" I demand, upset but not knowing exactly why.
He glares at me, hurt and upset. "He didn't have to! It was very much implied and obvious! How can you take his side?! Is because you're both alphas!"
"That's not fair! I know Namjoon much better than you and he's not that type of person. Did Jimin say he was rap—did he say Namjoon forced the mating? Did he want it?"
The look on Jin's face is one of disappointment and pain. "You are just like all the other alphas. You could never understand!" Tears well up in his eyes and I feel awful for putting my hands on him in any way not out of love. I didn't mean to hurt him but he just doesn't understand.
I take a deep breath to calm myself. "This isn't any of our business. If Jimin comes to us asking for help and admits that Namjoon forced the mating then we will deal with it. Otherwise you need to stay out of it. Be there for your friend but understand you place."
He flinches as if I just slapped him across the face. It pains me to see it. I raise my hand to hold his hand but he steps away from me. "You're all the same! How can you be like this? I thought you were different, Taehyung." He shakes his head, the tears falling down his cheeks. "I don't think I can be around you right now."
"Leave me alone!" He shoves me back and slams the bedroom door in my face, locking it.
I press my head against the door, hearing his sobs. Shit. I really messed up but at the same time I think Jin is being really unfair to Namjoon.
We don't know the full story and unless Namjoon or Jimin says it—we can't just condemn them. Their relationship has been rocky from the start and I don't think we need to be meddling in it every second. I know Jin thinks it's his responsibility to care for them all but it's not.
It's his place to worry about his own health and our pups. I don't like all the stress being added to his psych.
A creak to my right has me looking up to see Namjoon frowning at me. He rubs his neck. "You shouldn't be so hard on you mate. He's...he just cares."
I scoff. "What the hell is going on? What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it. Is Jimin with Jin?"
"He's sleeping." I pause, looking at him. "Where's Hoseok?"
He sighs. "He went outside to get some fresh air."
Groaning, I look at him like he's stupid. He really is. "Seriously? He can get into the cellar from outside!"
His eyes widen and we both run outside to find the cellar door busted open and a loud shout from inside. Choosing to worry about my own issues later, I run inside to see Yoongi pressed against the wall with Hoseok baring his teeth and growling at the beta, clutching him by the throat.
I hesitate but that ends up being a huge mistake as Yoongi moves to jump between both men. Jungkook immediately breaks free and grabs Yoongi by the arm, dragging him alongside him outside.
Cursing, we dive for them and tackle them to the ground. Namjoon manages to rip the beta away from the omega and knock him out again.
A whimpering cry resounds from the omega as he picks himself up off the ground. Hoseok rushes to his side to help him up. I freeze as Hoseok holds the omega to his chest.
He looks at me over his mate's shoulder, eyes red and angry. Swallowing hard, I stare at Yoongi and the little trail of blood running down his leg.
Paling at the look on my face, Hoseok kneels down to observe the blood. Yoongi shivers and grasps his stomach, silently crying.
Oh god. Not the pup.
In a burst of rage, Hoseok dives for the unconscious beta but stops at the sound of Yoongi's whining.
"H-Hoseok...please..." he falls to his knees.
His mate being the only thing to bring him out of his possessive and territorial fury, he strides over to the omega and scoops him up, leaving us alone outside to care for his omega.
I don't know what to do.
I really hope that fall—that us tackling them—doesn't cause him to lose it. Not after everything they've been going through.
"What are we going to do with the beta?" Namjoon sighs.
"The better question would be how the hell are we going to get a doctor up here to check on Yoongi? We can't bring just anyone. They would report you—report Yoongi and Hoseok." I frown.
He looks at me then at the place where Yoongi fell. A small pool of blood on the cool grass. "There's really not much a doctor could do for him either way, anyway."
I hate that he's right.
I really need to hold my mate right now. Feel his pregnant belly and just breathe him in. Know he's okay. Too bad he doesn't want anything to do with me right now.
      God, could this night get any worse?

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