Prologue - Colton Eight Years Old

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"You're a pain in my ass" my mom growls. "All you do is whine," she adds as she takes a puff of her cigarette. "Get outta my sight, you little bastard, I've got someone coming here tonight, so stay in your room." she hisses.

Her words used to cut me deep, but not anymore—I'm used to them now. She's not always this way with me, sometimes she's okay—Like when she's high. I walk to my room; I snort to myself. "Yeah, right—my room." I laugh humourlessly.

My room consists of a sleeping bag on the floor, and a lamp, that's it.

My stomach rumbles with hunger and I try to think of the last time I had a decent meal, licking my lips, I decide to go to the local shops down the road from me. Opening my window as quiet as I can, I climb out—luckily for me our house is just one floor. I know my mom won't even notice me gone, she said someone's coming here tonight. Which means her dealer is, how she pays for her drugs—I don't wanna know. But I know I don't see any of it. Sometimes I wonder why she even kept me, why she didn't just give me up for adoption.

I reach the shops and enter our local grocery store, the last time I took from this place was last week. I've been stealing from here every week, luckily for me, I've not been caught. The shopkeeper who is an elderly man scowls at me as I walk in, but then his attention is elsewhere as a customer comes over with a basket full of food.

Alright for fucking some.

I use his distraction and pick up the first thing in the cool section. Which is a meat pie, I pocket the pie and turn to walk out. What I didn't notice was that there was a security guard behind me.

When the fuck did he get him?

"I'll give you one chance to put it back, little man." he growls.

Fuck that, I'm starving.

"Fuck you." I growl and run as fast as my legs will go. But I'm not fast enough, the security guard catches me. "I gave you the chance to redeem yourself." he whispers in my ear as the shop owner comes over with a smug smile on his face. "I got you now, you thieving little fucker." he growls.

"Let me go." I hiss.

"Nah, you little shit—I caught you on my new cameras the last time you stole so I brought in Bruce here," he grins gesturing to the man holding me. "I'm an old man, I can't be running around after thieves stealing my shit—the police are already on their way." he adds.

"What? No!" I protest as I see the red and blue lights flash in the window.

"Look at this here sign, boy." he growls pointing at a sign by the checkout.

All thieves will be prosecuted...

"This is the second time you've stolen from me, and I'm a nice man until people take the piss, you hear me boy?" He says with a cough.

The police enter the shop, my heartbeat furiously as they approach me. "What have you got here, Bill?" One of the officers asks him.

"This one has been caught stealing from me." Bill growls.

The police officer squats down to my height. "Does your mom and dad know that you steal from grocery stores?" He asks me seriously.

I can help but snort-laugh. "Yeah, right," I mutter. "Doesn't give a shit."

The officer looks puzzled at me, then looks back towards his partner and back to me. "What's your name, son?" he asks me.

"Colton." I mutter.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now