Chapter Twenty Six- Layla

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I wake to my alarm, my body deliciously sore in all the right places, I reach to Colton's side hoping to get a morning sesh in before work but all I find in its place is a piece of paper...

Good morning angel mine,
Sorry I wasn't there when you opened your beautiful eyes. I have an early training session, and I didn't wanna disturb you. I'll see you tonight, I love you.

C x

I smile from ear to ear and drop back into my pillow loving the tingles to my body, I bite my lip feeling a little naughty as my hand glides down toward my pussy and I reach for my phone taking a picture of myself adding a caption to it.

Me: It's a shame you weren't still here ;) x

I press send before I lose the will and giggle to myself, if he's at training now his phone will be off. I think of what his face will be like when he sees it and the look alone sends a pulse to my clit. My hand finds my pussy once more and I gasp loudly finding myself soaked, I picture Colton standing over me, his hand on his cock as he tells me to touch myself.

My back arches at the feel of pleasure I'm getting from touching myself...

Push two fingers inside your pussy, angel— pretend it's my fingers inside you, does that feel good?

"Oh, yes" I pant as I plunge two fingers inside me, Colton's movements on his cock have quickened.

Fuck yourself for me, angel...

"Colton" I cry out as I come hard.

I'm a breathless, panting mess and I'm in deep shit when Colton sees that message. I giggle as I picture his face, I only wish I'd be there when he gets it.

I look to my clock and get out of bed, I get a quick shower and dress before leaving to go to see my little sick note. When I arrive, I say hi to clint and make my way up to her floor, no doubt clint is calling her now to let her know I'm coming up.

I let myself in her apartment, I spot her lying on the couch in her pj's. "Good Morning, How's my little sick note?" I ask her.

"I feel like shite" she croaks.

"What did the doctor say?" I ask her.

"Gave me Antibiotics," she says and coughs loudly. "And a sick note for you to give Michelle" she adds.

"Do you want your inhaler babe?" I ask her.

"Please" she smiles. "Eh, you never guess who I saw yesterday"

"Who?" I ask her as I hand her the inhaler.

"Rebecca," she says seriously as she takes two puffs of her inhaler.

"Fuck off" I growl. "She breached her restraining order?"

"Legit, and she's dyed her brown, like my colour brown, she's got clothes identical to mine—Oh, and the same perfume as me too," she tells me.

Woah, wait a minute, wait a minute...

"So lemme get this straight? Rebecca breached her restraining order?" I say as I tick each one from my fingers. "She's dyed her hair— brown" I tick another finger off with a shocked expression. "Did not see that comin" I mutter shaking my head with disbelief. Catherine snort laughs but ends up coughing and choking.


"You okay? Do you need your inhaler?" I ask her as I reach for her inhaler, She shakes her head, no.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now