Chapter Sixteen-Colton

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It's now the end of the week, it's been a mad week since I've been signed but that hasn't stopped me from seeing my girl. Layla's week has been just as busy, but she loves her job, the love she feels for her kids is just—I know she'll make an amazing mom.

I'm meant to be meeting Layla at her apartment before we go out, this will be our first date out as a couple with our friends. Dressed and ready, I make my way to my angel's apartment. She answers the door with a beautiful smile on her face, my eyes roam her body.

God, she's fucking mesmerising...

She's wearing a strapless white dress with red roses on, her dress hits mid-thigh, her legs looks fucking sexy in a pair of white stilettos and I can't picturing her naked with her legs wrapped around my waist as I fuck her hard and deep with the heels digging in my ass. I shake the thought away quickly before I end up fucking things up. "You look stunning, angel mine" I croon giving her a chaste kiss as I push her gently into her apartment and close the door behind us.

"Thankyou," she grins. "You look pretty sexy yourself" she purrs. I grin from ear to ear and push her gently against the wall capturing her lips with mine. Her moans echo in her corridor, as her hands come up to the nape of my neck.

Breaking this slowly, I rest my forehead against hers. "I missed you," I say breathlessly.

And I fucking did, she eases my demons when I'm around her...

"I missed you, too" she smiles shyly at me.

I'm about to claim her lips again when suddenly her phone starts to ring, I groan in displeasure which makes her laugh. Giving me a chaste kiss she saunters into her living room where I'm assuming her phone is.

"It's Catherine," she tells me before answering. "Hey babe, what's up?"

She listens to what Catherine says then looks to me. "Have you seen Craig today?" She asks me.

"Earlier, training finished early today—said he had stuff to do," I tell her.

She relays what I told her to Catherine and then says she'll meet her there before hanging up the phone. "Craig's disappeared, he's not answering anyone's calls or texts or anything—She's just logging into his find my phone account then texting me the address," she tells me.

"That doesn't sound like something Craig would do?" I tell her getting my phone out I tried to call him myself. The phone rings twice but then gets put through to his voicemail. "Craig, call me back bro. You've got us worried" I say before hanging up.

"Poor Catherine sounds so upset on the phone, she said she's been trying to call and text him since she got off work but he's not answering," she says to me. "She was in such a good mood earlier aswell, when Jace surprised her at the school—he's been away for a while," she tells me before I cut her off.

"Jace? Who's Jace?" I ask her in suspicion.

"Jace is Catherine's friend—her very gay friend." She explains. "And Justin's cousin"


Layla's phone dings with a text, she looks at it and pops it in her clutch. "We're off to town babe, he's down at the docks in a pub" she sighs.

"What's he doing there? Are you sure he hasn't had his phone robbed?" I ask her as we leave her apartment.

"I don't know, all I know is that he's ignoring my girls calls and texts. If that was the case he'd go to her house, but he hasn't and now she's upset, so he better have a fucking good excuse for upsetting my girl" she growls as we enter the elevator.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now