Chapter Three- Layla Nineteen Years Old (Unedited)

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"Go, Go, Go Layla—ish' ya birfday, ya gon' party like ish' ya birfday" I sing 50cent's 'Party in da club' adapting it to my name whilst in the shower.

I'm nineteen years old today, the last year of being a fucking teen. Travis, my boyfriend of two years has asked me to meet him in club Circo in town as he's at football training. I hear my phone ding with a text as I get out, I wrap a towel around me as I pick my phone up. It's Catherine...

Bitch: Hey hoebag, happy birthday!!!! Hope Travis spoils you rotten tonight, I love you Xxx

I grin from ear to ear as I reply to my girl's message, me and Catherine have been best friends since we were in nursery. We're more like sister's than anything, we both started uni a few months back. It's been a hard year for Catherine as Craig, the love of her life went to America to this fancy football camp to make something of himself. Long story short, Catherine broke up with him—giving him the freedom to pursue his goals without having a girlfriend on a totally different time difference. She knew if she'd make him choose, he'd choose her but she didn't want him to hate her for making him choose. Over the last few months since Craig had left, have been really hard on my girl. She's hardly left her house, been singing a certain song over and over. Justin's cousin Jace, who I think is gay has been talking to her a lot. They seemed to have gone close, I feel shitty because she's my girl—but I also have Travis too. Not that he's arsed like, I mean yet again he's not wished me happy birthday. I get he's forgetful and shit, but every fucking year?!?

He can make it up to me somehow. I type my girl a reply...

Me: Thanks babe, love you a fuckton x

After I'm dressed, I go downstairs to the living room where my mum, dad and my brother Lucas are sat. My dad and my brother are both watching Everton and my mum is engrossed in her kindle. "Right guys, I'm gonna go meet Trav—don't wait up for me," I tell them with a beaming smile.

Mum looks up from her kindle and her eyes soften as she takes in my appearance. I'm wearing a strapless red dress that has a cut-out shape across my stomach. "Aww, sweetie you look beautiful" mum praises. "Doesn't she, Lou?" Mum asks my dad.

"What?" He looks at mum then me and graces me with a huge grin. "Stunning as always, my princess" dad coos.

"I still can't believe that prick is having you meet him, instead of picking you up" Lucas growls.

"Luke, come on" I moan. "Not today—"

"What did he get you for your birthday? Did he even say happy birthday?" He asks me with an arched eyebrow.

"What? Of course, he did" I lie rubbing my nose.

"You're lying, You itched your nose—you do that when you're lying" Lucas accuses me. "Doesn't she mum? Dad?"

"I'm not lying," I say going to itch my nose again but stop myself. "Now if you don't mind, my boyfriend is waiting on me," I say and leave the room.

"Have fun" they call out to me.

I can just about hear our Luke curse to my mum and dad. "I can't wait till she dumps his arse, soon as she does—I have a free reign on his face with my fist" he growls.

"Preach" dad chuckles.

I frown confused to what I'm hearing, I knew Lucas didn't like Trav... but I didn't know my dad did too?

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now