Chapter Thirty Two- Layla

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It's Catherine and Craig's wedding day, I haven't seen Colton since yesterday before we went on the hen and stag do's.

God, I miss him...

The lads went paintballing and the ladies went to a spa as Catherine is pregnant she can't drink and lurch—the worrywart, didn't want her doing anything too strenuous.

I'm walking up the stairs to go see Catherine and see Eva going in Catherine's room to tell her breakfast is on the way and I follow in to tell her Kathryn the hair and makeup artist is on her way.

I enter her room, not bothering to knock. "Wow, everyone's ignoring knocking on my door today?" Catherine huffs.

Woah—talk about hormones...

I tut. "Eee, well fuck you too you biatch, I was only coming to tell you that Kathryn is on her way here" I tell her defensively.

Catherine's face grimaces and sighs. "Babe, sis, I'm sorry— it's just... these hormones have me all levels of hormonal lately" She says dropping down on her bed. "I'm just excited and nervous, and with everything that's happened—I feel so fucking overwhelmed, you know?" She says as her eyes well up with tears.

She's fucking strong is my girl...

"Oh babe, you don't need to apologise, I get it—fuck, do I get it. You've been through so much, but look where you are now, eh? You're about to marry your one, and you're pregnant with his baby— you're about to become a family" Eva says as she sits next to her on the bed.

"Ooooo, pretty flowers" I say as I notice the flowers on the bed next to Eva.

"That's not all she got" Eva muses nudging catherine gesturing to something in her hands.

"Aww, what did lurch get you?" I ask her.

She holds something on a chain up and I notice it's a locket. I let out a low whistle, taking it from her and open it up. "Aww, that picture is— look at the way he's looking at you Cat, that shits not changed" I laugh.

He's looking at her like she's the only person in the room, like Colton does to me...

"I love it so much, and I've got space for when the baby is born too" catherine smiles taking the locket off me looking at the picture, She sighs happily as she hangs the locket from her jewellery holder.

I hear my phone ring and I reach into my pocket and looks at the screen, grinning from ear to ear as I see that it's my man calling me, I answer the call. "Hey you" I coo leaving the room.

"God, I miss you" he growls.

His voice sends a tingle straight down to my pussy as I enter Eva's old room.

"I miss you too" I purr.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

"Just waiting on the hair and makeup artist to arrive, Catherine showed me the gift Craig sent her.. she loved it, she cried" I tell him.

"I'm assuming it was happy tears?" He asks me.

"Of course" I chuckle. "It was beautiful, the locket he got her"

"Craig's eager to see her" he tells me.

"Aww, well, tell him he hasn't got long to go now" I tell him. "How is your back now babe?" I ask him with a bite in my tone.

Craig, the dozy fucker hit Colton in the back with a paint pellet at paintballing yesterday, he sent me a picture of his back and he gorgeous tanned body is tainted with a bruise. It immediately pissed me off that Craig did this that I sent him text telling him to watch his back. Colton informed me that the bullet was meant for Russ but he had got in the way so it was his own fault. I don't care, he shot him, Colton was closer than Russ was too so it must of hurt.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now