Chapter Forty Five- Colton (Unedited)

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We've just been in a long as fuck team meeting to discuss contracts with our sponsors and shit and now we're getting ready for training. I look at my
phone, smiling at my screensaver—my angel smiling brightly back at me, I don't even realise I'm grinning from ear to ear until. "Don't take this the wrong way but you got a nice smile, Texas" Russ says as he looks at me.

I frown confused as to where he's going with this. "Er, Thanks— I guess" I say confused looking to Craig who is smirking but shrugs.

"No—what I mean is that you don't smile very often, you should smile more" he clarifies. "It's a nice smile"

I frown, tilting my head in confusion. "Again—Thanks"

"Should we let amber know that you find colt's smile nice?" Craig teases his brother.

"Fuck you, tiny dick" Russ growls. "I only meant that he's started smiling more now that he's with tink, it's good"

"Oh, I think you mean thunder dick—" he says singing the ending. "Thunder, thunder, thunder dick"

"Are you like, for real singing a song about your dick to the thunder cats theme song?" Russ chuckles. "I swear, me ma must of dropped you on the head or some shit" he says shaking his head.

Craig's about to respond but his phone rings, finding it in his locker. "It's Catherine" he says as he answers and puts her on speaker. "Baby?" He asks concernedly. "Is it time?"

"No" We hear Catherine as she talks to someone giving them an address, she sounds panicked.

"What's wrong? What's got you panicked? I can hear it in your voice" he asks worriedly.

"Pat was off sick today and there was a locum midwife in instead" she explains.

I frown confused, looking to Russ and Justin they also look confused. Russ has his phone to his ear, no doubt on the phone to amber.

"Oh?" he says confused scratching his head.

"It was Rebecca's mum" she blurts.


"What" he bellows. "Are you okay? What did she do?" He asks her panicked as he walks up and down the changing room.

"Nothing, I didn't realise it was her at first until she put the Doppler on my stomach and Asher started kicking me" She says softly trying to calm him, I wave my hands trying to get his attention, he stops, looking at me, I mouth to him to Calm down as we listen to what Catherine is saying. "I mentioned that he'll take after his daddy who's a footballer. She went funny, she mustn't of gotten onto my name until she looked at my notes again, and she mentioned that Rebecca used to date a Berkeley in school asking if you were related" I tell him.

Craig starts breathing angrily down the phone as he begins to pace again. "She told me that she was sorry for what Rebecca did to me, and that she's in the best place now" She tells him.

He stops mid stride and laughs humourlessly. "She should be in fuckin' prison, not a fuckin' mental hospital" he growls. "She could of killed you and our boy" he chokes.

"I know" I hear Catherine whisper.

Craig's eyes close as he tries to get his shit together. "Catherine" He says.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now