Chapter Fifty Two- Colton (Unedited)

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The wedding ceremony was beautiful, my mama was now Mrs Kathy Saint—kinda ironic, Cos that's what she is—a saint. I'm sat watching my mama and pops dancing to their wedding song frank Sinatra-under my skin, the happiness on both of their faces makes my heart soar, I couldn't be happier for them both.

My girl's sniffles brings my attention to her, I watch as she dabs at her beautiful eyes with a tissue drying her happy tears. "God, they look so happy together, don't they Colton?" She croaks.

"Yeah, angel" I say kissing her forehead.

Just then mama looks up and finds me in the crowd and gestures me to get up onto the dance floor. "Care to dance, angel mine?" I ask as I stand up holding my hand out for her.

"I'd love to" she says softly with a beautiful smile gracing her face.

I look to Catherine who is sat with Elora. "Where's Craig gone?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "He said he was sorting the surprise for mama and saint"

"Fuck" I mutter.

"What?" Layla and Catherine ask confused.

"He told me he was gonna sing" I tell them with a grimace.

"What's wrong with him singing, he's got a lovely voice—unless" Catherine says until understanding dawns on her face. "Oh, god—did he say what?"

"No, but he did that chuckle he does before he does something mischievous" I tell her.

As the last words to under my skin finishes it morphs into another song...

I look to the dance floor when Craig comes out with the biggest grin as two back up singers follow him...

Get up, get up, get up...
Wake up, wake up...

"Is that—sexual healing?" My angel asks confused.

When Craig brings the mic to his mouth and starts to sing...


I hear my mama whoop happily. "That's my Brit" she crows happily.

Craig points to her. "This is for you mama"

"Really?" Saint growls loudly.

"Oh, come on saint—I could of gone a lot worse than Marvin Gaye" Craig winks and continues to sing.

Spotting Catherine next to me and my girl he grins and prowls towards her. Sexual healing, that's good for me... come grab a hold, lets make love tonight!!

"I'm pretty sure those aren't the words lurch" my girl chuckles.

"I'm improvising, tink" he winks at her and takes Catherine's hand kissing the top of it before walking away again and it morphs into another song...

(Let's get it on- Marvin Gaye)

I've been really tryin', baby
Tryin' to hold back this feeling for so long
And if you feel like I feel, baby
Then, c'mon, oh, c'mon...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now