Chapter Fifty Three- Layla (Unedited)

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Five Years Later

"Oh, my god" I gasp looking at the pregnancy test in my hand with one hand on my stomach.

I'm pregnant?!?...

"Angel, are you okay?" Colton asks as he knocks on the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'm sound" I murmur quietly looking at the test again. "Uh, sorry—I just spaced out, I guess"

"Well, hurry up, angel, I need to talk to you," he says to me from behind the door.

"Uh, yeah, me too," I say nervously.

"Okay, well, hurry up baby," he says softly through the door.

I put the test in the bin and wash my hands, taking a deep breath in I walk out of the bathroom into the living room where my man is down on his knees holding a ring box. What. The. Fuck?!

"Oh, shit—" I gasp putting my hand over my mouth.

He grins shyly, his eyes and posture nervous as he stares at me. "Angel, when I first saw you all those years ago—you knocked me down on my ass" he chuckles. "I was drawn to you, you lit up the whole room, with your beauty, your smile, your light," he says softly as I feel my eyes well up with tears. "You've brought me back to life, angel mine, I wanna live my life with you, I wanna grow old with you, see your body grow with my child—I want it all, marry me, make my life complete, be my wife, my life, my everything" he says softly as he opens the box. "Forever"

I don't even look at the ring, I launch myself at him with a happy squeal he catches me chuckling softly. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES—I'll marry you," I say in between kisses. "I love you, so much"

"I love you, too angel, you've made me the happiest man on the planet," He says softly.

I kiss him passionately then, getting lost together until he pulls back. "Get naked, I wanna see you wearing nothing but my ring" he growls.

I giggle. "Well, can I at least see my ring first, fiancé of mine" I purr.

"Fuck, say that again" he groans.

"What? Fiancé?" I purr.

"I'm gonna tongue fuck your pussy and you're gonna scream that" he growls.

"I love the sound of that" I purr. "But first, can I see my ring?" I ask excitedly.

He grins and shows me my ring that will stay on my ring finger for the rest of my life aswell as my wedding ring.

I gasp as I stare at my ring, It's like Elle wood's ring, and I love that he remembered when I told him as we were watching legally blonde 2 that Elle's ring is basically my dream ring

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I gasp as I stare at my ring, It's like Elle wood's ring, and I love that he remembered when I told him as we were watching legally blonde 2 that Elle's ring is basically my dream ring. "Put it on me" I squeal happily making my gorgeous man chuckle.

"I love you, angel, you're mine forever," he tells me as he puts the ring on my ring finger where it will stay for always.

"God, it's so beautiful—I can't believe you remembered," I say softly.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now