Chapter Four- Layla Twenty Years Old (Unedited)

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"Happy Birthday, Miss Layla," Mia says softly as she hands me a bouquet of flowers.

"Aww, Thankyou Cutie" I coo giving her a hug.

Mia is one of my students who I teach dance to, she and a small group of five-year-olds come twice a week after school to the place I like to escape to, whenever I need to think or when I'm upset. I come here and dance.

"I hearded my daddy telling his fwend afor, that he would like to stick it to you" Mia frowns confused. "What does that mean? Miss Layla?"

My heart jumps and my eyes widen with shock, I try to hold off the look of disgust in front of Mia. Because her daddy, is in fact a married man, his wife is one of the loveliest women I've met out of the children's mum's that I teach. And to hear this from his little girl sickens me.

"Oh, it's just an adult thing baby" I coo. Hoping she'll drop it.

"Like a game?" She asks me.

"Sort of" I nod nervously.

"Do you think mummy will like playing it with daddy?" She asks innocently.

Fuck, what do I say?

"How about you lead today, and start us off with some stretches?" I ask her, hoping like fuck she drops this.

"Reewee? O'tay" she squeals happily and skips over to her friends.

"I'll be over in a minute, okay?" I shout to her.

Annette, the manager of the dance school comes over with a warm smile and a gift bag. "Happy Birthday" she sings handing me the gift bag.

"Aww, Thankyou—you shouldn't have," I say giving her a hug.

"You're welcome, and we want to take you out tonight for a meal—think of it as a birthday slash Thankyou gift with us all," she tells me.

"Thankyou" I frown confused. "For what?" I ask.

She takes my hand and pulls me to the nearest bench and sits down. "When you first started coming here, I saw that you were lost," she says and points to the large mirror. "You were standing right there looking at yourself, just staring at yourself" she grins shaking her head. "And then, you just—moved, it was then I knew you had something."

"And then I came every day and just danced" I smile. "The best thing I ever did"

"Look at those little girls" Annette gestures to Mia and the group who all have huge smiles on their faces. "Those little girls love you, you make it fun for them as well as teaching them steps. Carmen is very proud of how far you have come" she says.

Carmen, who saw me dancing offered to help me. She saw something in me like Annette did and wanted to help bring it out. Now I'm here whenever I get the chance as well as with the girls on a Monday and Friday.

"You are both amazing teachers, I wouldn't be who I am if not for you both," I tell her.

She purses her lips. "Maybe, maybe not—but it's you who has bought us more custom with the dance classes. And for that, we'd like to Thankyou" she tells me.

"And we won't take no for an answer," a familiar voice says from behind.

Carmen is a Spanish dance teacher, in her early thirties. She teaches teens and adults Latino, salsa, basically everything. Annette is a retired ballet teacher, who has taken up the role of the manager of the studio. Not so long ago, I was both Carmen's and Annette's student until Annette badly injured herself. It was then they approached me last year not long after fucking Travis dumped me, and asked me to take over Annette classes—of course, I said yes.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now