Chapter Forty Three- Layla (Unedited)

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It's the day that Craig and Catherine come home from their honeymoon, and myself, Colton, Amber, Russ, Eva And Justin are all waiting at the gates for them to come through. "Do you think she's gone bigger?" I ask out loud.

"I reckon she'll have a cute little bump" amber says with a grin. "I hope Craig's been looking after her"

"Baby—it's Craig. Of course he has" Russ says defending Craig.

"Oh, there they are" Eva says happily waving at them.

Amber starts bouncing, her pregnant belly bouncing along with her as she waves like a mad woman. Fuck, I think we all look like mad women.

I see them both laughing at amber as Craig approaches us. "Hey sis, how you doin?" He grins at amber giving the security dude all his metal stuff and put their luggage through the security machine.

"Sup bro, hey everyone!" He says happily as he's  given his stuff back and suitcases. As soon as Catherine collects her stuff she follows him to us, we all crowd around them giving them a group hug.

"Oh my god, look at you now" Me, Amber and Eva squeal happily to Catherine. She has the the cutest little bump now, and she's glowing, not just with the pregnancy but with happiness too.

"You're glowing babe" I say hugging her tightly. "I've missed you"

"I've missed you too" she whispers.

"Did you look after my girl, little bro?" Amber asks Craig as she hugs him around the waist.

"Of course I did" He growls.

"Looking good, little sis" Russ grins hugging Catherine close.

"Naw, isn't that sweet? You've been a busy boy, haven't you? First Rebecca, then your wife and now this one. You really are a manwhore aren't you?" A horrid voice asks from behind us, Catherine stiffens as does Craig.

Who the fuck?...

"Uh-uh, who the fuck is this bitch?" Amber growls menacingly, Russ walks closer to her to hold on to her.

"No one sis, just some stupid bitch who needs to get her facts straight" Craig growls looking at the woman. "I think you'll find you've got your wires crossed lady, Rebecca's kid wasn't mine. It was somebody else's, I'm sorry she lost the baby. Nobody should have to go through a loss like that, but Rebecca lied." He says and the woman rolls her eyes at Craig. "As for the other women, not that you need to know but they're my sister-in-laws pregnant with my niece and nephew, the only baby that is mine is growing inside my wife" he adds with a growl.

"Mmmm, sure Craig" she nods waving his comment off and walks away.

Seriously, who the fuck is this bitch?

I wrap my arms around Catherine soothing her. "She gave us shit at the airport in Paris too" she whispers to me. "We don't know who she is" Catherine shrugs.

"Let me at the bitch" Amber growls trying to get out of Russ's embrace. "Who the fuck does she think she is, I'll rip her shitty hair extensions from her fucking scalp!! I'll—Oh, shit" she says making me snort laugh until she gasps suddenly as water leaks from between her legs.

Oh, shit....

Russ notices the leak and rolls his eyes. "Baby, why didn't you say you needed the toilet? I swear our princess is wreaking havoc on your bladder isn't she?" he says shaking his head.

Amber turns her head slowly, and I shit you not, it looked like something straight outta the exorcist or some shit. She drags him down by his t-shirt so he's at eye level with her. "My fucking WATER BROKE!! YOU TIT!!" she growls in his face.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now