Chapter Forty Two- Layla (Unedited)

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"Your mum was the sweetest" I tell colton. "I thought she and Saint were gonna get on the plane with us the way momma k was"

Colton laughs as he entwines his hand with mine. "That's momma—we'll be back in a couple of months to see them get married, so she knows she won't have to wait for long" he says softly.

"I can't wait for that" I say excitedly. "I can't believe she asked me to be her maid of honour—I'm so....well, honoured" I say happily.

"She loves you" he shrugs.

I sigh happily and rest my head against his shoulder, we're currently on the flight home, I remembered to download books that Catherine told me to download before I had to switch to airplane mode. I downloaded an MC series by Lani Lynn Vale that Catherine has been nagging me to read for ages. It's not long before I'm lost in boomtown— god, Sam is just... urrgh!! So fucking hot!!!

"What's that you're reading, angel?" Colton asks when I get to a rather naughty scene, I turn my focus onto him and he's grinning from ear to ear.

"I take it that's a good book?" He asks me with mock curiosity with a knowing smile. "It must be if your cheeks are flushed and your breathing has gone shallow, like when you're turned on"

I hide my face behind my kindle, trying to fight my smile. "It's a good book" I admit.

"What's it about?" He asks in a sultry tone.

"Bikers" I say.


"And—sex" I blurt making him chuckle out loud.

"Oh, angel mine—I figured it had sex in it if you body is reacting the way it is, question is—I don't know if I'm jealous of the stuff you're reading or whether I wanna re-act what happen in it?" He growls.

My eyes go to the airplane bathroom and his follows once I look back to him. His eyes gleam with want and need for me as he licks his lips, his hand cups the back of my neck as his teeth captures my bottom lip and sucks it into his mouth making me moan. "Follow me in" he growls as he stands up and makes his way to the bathroom.

I look around to see if anyone is watching, the stewardesses are all seeing to other passengers so I quickly use that distraction and leap towards the toilet. Knocking gently the once, suddenly I'm dragged inside and pressed up against the door once it's locked. I squeal with excitement, my clit tingles in need, my underwear is ripped from my body and then I'm bent over the sink. I look in the mirror and see the wicked grin on my man's face as he lowers his jeans to his knees. "How wet are you, baby?" He growls as he strokes his cock through my folds, his hiss is answer. "Fucking soaked" he groans. "This is gonna have to be quick, angel—are you ready?" He asks breathlessly.

"Fuck me" I pant.

"Be quiet, angel mine—your moans are nobody's but mine" he growls circling the tip of his cock against my sensitive clit making my eyes roll.

"Please" I plead.

"Fucking beautiful" he growls before thrusting home inside me, I bite my lip from screaming out loud. "Good girl" he groans as his hips are doing a thrust circle motion.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Hey, are you nearly done?" A man asks on the opposite door.

"Hurry" I gasp quietly.

His thrusts quicken inside me as the man keeps knocking, I whimper as he hits that sweet spot inside me, making my pussy flutter. "Fuck, I'm gonna come" he grits.

The man knocks again just as I'm about to come, pissing me off I bang back. "Fuck off, I'm on the toilet" I bellow making Colton chuckle, my eyes find his and I give him my best don't fuck with me glare.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now