Chapter Nine-Colton

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"What's that ya smokin'?" I ask Craig as we step off the plane in Craig's hometown. Jesus, It's colder than a motherfucker here.

He chuckles. "Am not smokin' I's breathin' " he says clapping his hands. "I've wanted to say that for ages" he chuckles. "Have you seen cool runnings too?" He asks me.

I frown in confusion as I put my hat back on my head. "What're you talkin' about?" I ask him.

"The film, cool runnings—Sanka asks Terese that same question when they step outside in Russia's weather" he chuckles. "What? You've never seen it?" He asks in shock.

I shake my head. "No"

"Get to fuck" he chuckles. "Seriously?"

"Nope," I say with a loud pop. "Can we go inside now? Am freezing my fucking balls off ere' " I moan.

"I know what you mean lad, I was raised here" he chuckles. "You'd think I was used to the cold weather biting my balls"

"That's what three years in the hot Texan sun'll do to ya" I chuckle.

"Come on, Duncan's gone ahead, so we'll just straight to my house" Craig grins. "Actually, d'ya mind if we stop off at our Russ's first?"

I shrug. "Sure"

Getting our suitcases we leave Liverpool airport and hail a cab to Craig's brothers without telling him we're coming...

It's a good twenty minutes before we reach Russ's house, Craig ring's the bell. "I've just got the kid asleep for fuck sake" I hear him rant before he opens the door.

The door opens and Craig's older brother Russ is stood there with a shocked expression on his face.

"What up shitbrick" Craig chuckles.

"Your ma" he snips back.

"She's your ma too" he laughs. "Are you gonna let us in or what fucker?" He asks him.

He shakes his head. "Well, I'll be fucking damned. Baby, look who's decided to knock on our door" Russ shouts into the house.

I remember Craig telling me about his family, and I know he sees Amber as another sister, even though she's his sister in law.

"I swear Russ if this is just another one of your ploys to fuck me in the downstairs bathroom," I hear her say appearing from around the corner with her gaze on her phone. "I'll kill yoooooou" she whispers looking at her phone, then looks up, dropping her phone and squeals. "OH MY GOD!! Craig is that you? What the fuck's happened to you? You're all buff!" She grins and runs into his arms.

"Excuse you woman, your man is standing right the fuck here" Russ growls pulling her from Craig's arms.

"Oh behave you, you daft bastard. As if I'd hit on your little brother" Amber chuckles rolling her eyes and then notices Me standing behind Craig. "Well, helllllooooo there, and who might you be?" She asks me with a wink at me and Craig.

she's trying to piss Russ off!

"I'm Colton M'am, please to meet you" I croon lifting my cowboy hat.

"Ooooh, a cowboy—this is a first" Amber giggles as Russ's eyes narrow at her.

"Bro, damn good to see you, yeah. But it seems I've gotta remind my woman who she belongs to" Russ growls and throws amber over his shoulder and spanks her on the ass.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now