Chapter One- Colton Eighteen Years Old

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"Coleman!!!" Coach bellows. "Leave the female and get your ass on the field, son."

That's what I'm trying to do, Coach!!!

"Sorry, Sonia—I gotta go." I tell her.

"But I thought you said you were coming over tonight?" she whines with a faux pout. "I told you my momma and daddy aren't home." she purrs.

Fucking Sonia Owens, the girl I regret with all of my fucking black soul putting my dick in. What can I say, she's gorgeous to look at with a fine body. But she's whiney, clingy. And for fucksake, she can't take a fucking hint. Call me an asshole, I don't care—she was a means to an end. "I told you, I can't—I'm working tonight." I tell her whilst gently pushing her off me.

"Colton Coleman, any time today will be good, son." Coach yells again.

"I'm comin', coach." I shout apologetically before running towards the field.

"But—what about my goodbye kiss?" Sonia whines.

Fuck. that. The next thing she'll be doing is telling people we're boyfriend and girlfriend, fucking picking out prom dresses and shit—Nah!!!

I pretend I don't hear her and carrying on running towards my coach. "It's about time." he growls.

"Sorry coach, won't happen again." I tell him seriously.

He nods, patting me on the back. "Make sure it doesn't. We got scouts here today son, you know what to do—just play as you have been, you'll do just fine." he says with a warm smile.

"Got it, coach." I say confidently.

Coach grins, patting me on the cheek. "Go kick ass, and make those dreams come true." he tells me.

I grin brightly at him and run onto the pitch. I'm captain of my school soccer team, I've worked my ass off to get where I am today. Hopefully, it'll work out in my favor. By the full-time whistle blows, the crowd is going wild screaming my name, we're winning 3-2. The game goes into extra time, coach calls me over with a whistle only he's not alone. Next to him is no doubt a scout, I take a deep calming breath as I jog over to them both. "Hey, coach." I grin.

"Coleman, this here is Mr. Will Wright, he'd like to talk to you after the game." Coach grins at me with a wink.

"Pleased to meet you, sir." I say shaking his hand.

"You too, son—you played one hell of a game out there," he grins at me. "I've got a proposition for you; I'd like to talk to you about it after the game if that's okay?"

I grin excitedly, but then I remember.

Shit. Work, my smile dims slightly.

My coach catches that movement. "He won't take much of your time, son," he tells me. "Don't worry, I'll call Logan, make sure he knows you'll be a little later for work."

I smile with gratitude at my coach. "Thanks, coach."

The referee blows the whistle for the game to start once again, and I run back onto the pitch. All the while I'm sporting a huge grin on my face. When the whistle blew once more, announcing the end of extra time, the game finished 5-2 to us. Me scoring a hat-trick, of course.

Once changed, I make my way to the coach's office where Mr. Wright is waiting for me. I knock on the door, waiting for the Okay to enter. "Come on in, Coleman." Coach bellows from the other side of the door. I grin shaking my head as I enter the room, Coach is sat behind his desk whilst Mr. Wright is sat on the couch Mrs. Burrows AKA coach's wife brought in for him. "Well, don't just stand there boy. Come on in and take a seat." Coach chuckles at me.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now