Chapter Sixty Six- Layla (Unedited)

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We've landed in Dublin, the flight was less than an hour from Liverpool and we flew first class, courtesy of my girl and lurch. "Well, that was the quickest flight I've ever been on" my gorgeous husband says as he collects our luggage from the conveyer belt.

I grin from ear to ear at my man as I look at him, god, he's just fucking gorgeous, and perfect and just GAH!!! The best thing? Is that he's all mine...

"All yours, my gorgeous angel" Colton chuckles at me and kisses the tip of my nose.

I flush slightly at the fact I said that out loud, but fuck it, he is mine—If I wanna say shit out loud, I'll say shit out loud. "You bet that fine arse of yours that you're mine" I growl pinching his arse to accentuate my point.

"Oh, for fecksake, you two again" that moaning arse fella groans as he walks past us.

Right that's fucking IT...

"Oi—mr fucking happy" I growl

"Angel" Colton croons. "Calm"

"I am calm, babe" I say sweetly.

"You talking to me?" Narky arse asks me stunned.

"Ya damned right am talking to you?!" I hiss. "Now, normally I'm a ray of fucking sunshine—but you mate, what the fuck? This is like the third time you've commented on mine and my husbands show of affection, what's wrong lad? Someone piss in your lucky charms?!"

"Actually" he hisses at me. "I went to Liverpool to profess my love to a girl I've loved since we were small ones" he tells me.

"Aww, I love, love stories" I squeal. "So, what happened? Was she not in or something?!" I ask confused.

"Nah, she was with another fella" he growls. "Why didn't she tell me?" He says to himself.

"I'm sure there was a perfectly good explanation for it?" I say trying to cheer him up.

He looks at me like I've got ten heads or something. "She was in the arms of another man" he grumbles. "I should of told Tia how I felt ages ago"

Tia?! Not Justin's Tia, surely...

"Is Tia Irish too?" I ask him curiously.

He frowns at me. "Yeah, she moved to Liverpool with her Ma, Da and her brother a few years ago" he tells me. "Why?"

Shut the fuck up... it is Tia!!!

"One sec, mr happy" I say taking my phone out and take it off airplane mode, texting Eva.

Me: Hey babe, just landed in Ireland, and I've stumbled across a lad—I know this is random, but is Tia seeing anyone? Xx

I see her bubbles appear as she writes...

Eva: P.S I love you!!! Yay!!! Erm, Justin said no, why? Xx

Me: Well, there's this moody arse dude here, that's just been to Liverpool to profess his undying love for tia, he said he's loved her since they were kids but when he went to tell her she was in the arms of another fella? Xxx

Her bubbles appear again... I smile at both my gorgeous man and the grumbling Irish dude as I wait for Eva's response. "Oh, where are my manners" I say slapping my fod. "This is my husband, Colton"

"Howya, names Declan" grumbling Irish says to Colton lifting his chin.

My phone dings alerting me with a text...

Eva: Strange, Justin said she's not seeing anyone of that he knows of—is this lads name Declan, by anychance? Xxx

Me: YES!!! Xxx

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now