Chapter Twenty Nine-Layla

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"He WHAT??" I shout angrily as I listen to my girl cry down the phone as she tells me that Craig has basically accused her of cheating again...

The fucking audacity of him...

"I'm gonna kill 'im, I am" I growl. "As much as you love him, babe, he's a fucking tool to even think such a thing."

The girl is fucking besotted with the lad...

She sighs sadly with a sniffle. "I think he just didn't think"

"What's goin' on?" Colton asks at my side. "Is Catherine Okay?" He asks me.

"No, she's not" I growl. "Your fucking 'pathetic excuse of a man' best friend, accused Catherine of cheating—again!!!" I hiss.

"Well, what made him think that she did?" Colton asks me.

I narrow my eyes at him in warning. "Because—someone took a pic of her talking to a work colleague this morning, a work colleague that made her feel uncomfortable—I swear Colton, as much as I love you, I don't care if he's your best friend—he's a prick" I hiss.

"Wait—what?!" I hear Catherine cry. "Oh my god, you love him?! Why didn't you tell me this morning?"


Colton arches his eyebrow at me in question and I shake my head at him. "Because I wasn't ready, babe," I tell her. "Now, do you want me to pick you up?" I ask her.

"Well, don't think you're getting away with not telling me" she growls. "Fuck, have you had sex and not told me too?"

I stay quiet on my end as my answer and close my eyes at the verbal arse whooping I'm about to get. "You HAVE?! What the fuck, Layla?" She cries.

"I told you, I wasn't ready yet" I whisper growl into the phone.

"Well, fuck me" she giggles. "Is he packin'?" She whisper giggles.

I choke on my drink as I laugh out loud. "Catherine?!" I cry.

"What? It's an easy enough answer, and I think you owe me considering what you kept from me" she says seriously.

I look to Colton who is full-on grinning, no doubt he can hear Catherine's big fucking gob. I take a deep breath as I walk away from Colton's stare and amused grin. "He's fucking huge" I whisper. "Not just long but thick too" I sigh with a delicious shiver.

"Oh my god" she squeals. "You little hoebag" she giggles.

"How am I a hoebag?" I laugh. "You lost your V-Card before me" I chuckle.

"Whatever" she sniffs in mock offence.

I laugh at my girl. "What are you gonna do babe?" I ask her.

I hear her sigh loudly. "I think I'm just gonna take a walk, I've texted our Eva and Amber—no doubt they've let me ma and da know" she grumbles.

"Are you sure? Cos I can just pick you up babe" I tell her.

"Yeah, I just wanna get rid of this anger before I go back to him," she tells me. "I don't want him worrying"

"Okay girl, text me when you've talked to him—and let him know I ain't happy with the fucker either"

She giggles, making me grin. "I will love you, babe. I'm happy for you"

"I love you, too," I say before I hear her hang up.

"Craig's a prick" Colton announces behind me.

"You're preaching to the fucking choir on that one, baby" I laugh.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now