Chapter Fourteen-Colton

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I'm on cloud fucking nine, as we walk the short distance to her apartment. I must look like a scary bastard to some just walking with a huge grin on my face. I don't care though, she's mine now. All. Mine.

"Are you okay?" My angel asks me.

I look at her beautiful face as she looks at me with concern. "I'm fuckin' aces, angel" I grin making my dimples pop, giving it an extra pop because I know how much my girl loves my dimples, I chuckle to myself.

Our hands are still entwined as we approach a building that overlooks the water. The stickiness not bothering either of us to let go. She smiles brightly at my response, with a blush."Me too, I really like you Colton" she whispers.

I stop us and look into her beautiful eyes. "I really like you too, angel mine. Don't worry, we'll go slow" I promise cupping her cheek.

She bites her lips nervously and nods before we enter her building. Layla's apartment is situated on the third floor of the building and she tells me she has a pretty good view of the prom.

"Here we are" she gestures to a door as we get off the elevator.

She opens her door and walks in. "Come on in, make yourself at home," she says as she enters a room. "I'm just gonna get a quick shower and change—you're welcome to one of you want one" she shouts.

I walk into the room she went into shutting her front door and she's bent over picking up clothes up off the floor. Her glorious ass is up in the air, her tight jeans are like a second skin. I bite my fist holding back a groan, she stands upright then. "Colt—" she shouts as she turns around. "Oh," she gasps. "You scared me" she holds a jacket to her chest.

It looks like a man's jacket when I look at it. "Oh, here. This is brother's jacket—it should fit you I think until we go to Craig's" she smiles handing me the jacket.

Without a thought, I take my T-shirt off and reach for the jacket. Layla is standing there wide-eyed, her mouth opens wide. "Oh, Jesus" she whimpers.

I step forward into her space making her gasp and take the jacket gently from her. "Thankyou" I croon with a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Erm," she smiles shyly as her cheeks flush. "You're welcome" she whispers and moves around me to go to the bathroom, but not before turning back to look at me.

"I'm all yours, angel mine. You can look at me whenever you want" I growl.

She bites her lips as she looks at my bare chest again, then grins before entering the bathroom and shuts the door.

I sigh tipping my head back onto my shoulders as I try and calm my cock down. I've fucking lost control over my cock now, that's never happened before...

I go to the room next to the bathroom which is the toilet thankfully enough. I can hear the shower running, I can't help but picture my angel with water cascading down her beautiful body. Is she touching herself?

I hang the jacket up on the back of the door and turn towards the toilet. Reaching down to my hard cock and I grab my shaft, giving it a squeeze. I groan lowly at the sensation, my strokes start slow as I close my eyes and there she is. My angel...

She's in the shower steam around her as she washes, she has bubbles cascading down her beautiful body. Her touches are innocent at first until her eyes meet mine, her hands touch her breasts squeezing them before one of them slowly move down towards her pussy. She bites her lip at me as her finger glides through her folds, closing her eyes she gasps with a moan. Shit—I growl as I come hard into the toilet, white noise rings in my ears and my eyes lose focus, my breathing shudders as I press a hand against the wall trying to get my shit together after that. Fuck. Me—

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now