Chapter Seventy One- Colton (Unedited)

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After a blissful, yet fucking cold as bollocks week in Ireland with my wife, we're on our way home. My beautiful wife is currently asleep, her head is resting against my shoulder and her mouth is parted as she makes the cutest snoring sounds. I'm currently smiling at my beautiful wife when suddenly I hear someone clear their throat.

"Hold her nose" someone says beside me in the next aisle.

The fuck?!

"Excuse me?" I ask confused looking at the man.

The fella who is about in his thirties I'd say, he's wearing a suit grins at me as he gestures to my beautiful wife. "Hold her nose, she'll stop snoring then—I do it to me wife all the time" he tells me like he's just gave me the answer to cure everything in life.

I try my hardest to keep my shit together and not wake my girl from her sleep when I look at him properly. "So, lemme get this straight, you want me to hold my wife's nose—my pregnant wife, I might add, you want me to hold her nose—which she breathes in from, so she can stop snoring?" I growl.

"Well, I thought it was pissing you off man, me wife's snore annoys me, it's that loud" he says defensively. "I was just trying to help"

"Sir, to be honest, I don't know who the fuck you are and I couldn't give two fucks if my wife snored louder than a fucking foghorn—she's perfect as she is, I feel sorry for your wife if you do that shit to her while she's trying to sleep" I growl. "Do you have kids?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but what's that got to do with anything?" He asks me confused.

"You ever thought that when you're on a work trip—which I'm assuming that's what this is" I tell him. "That your wife runs herself ragged looking after your kids, that she's so tired that she falls into a deep sleep that has her snoring?"

He opens his mouth to say something but I'm not finished. "No—I'm not finished" I growl. "Does your wife have trouble with her breathing?" I ask him.

Understanding dawns on his face as he nods slowly embarrassed at what I'm getting at. "Asthma—she has asthma" he says softly.


"Sir, did you know that when a person has asthma they're more likely to snore too" I inform him. "They can't help it, it's their airways—and for you to be all smug and shit telling me you hold the nose of your asthmatic wife, just because she snores" I grimace in disgust as I look at him, the look of shame comes across his face.

"Excuse me" he says softly before going in the direction of the toilets.

"That was a bit harsh don't you think, babe?" My angel says softly, I look down to her and her beautiful eyes are locked on me as she smiles at me with so much love.

"That fucker was wanting me to peg your fucking nose just to stop you from snoring—I don't give a fuck if I was harsh, fucker needed a wake up call" I growl.

"How did you know all that about asthmatics and snoring?" She asks me curiously.

I blush furiously. "It was I one of children's health books" I admit. "I read the pregnancy ones, I wanted to know what you were going through and what you were gonna go through and when I read them ones, I went onto the children ones" I say with a shrug.

"You are too—cute" she cries grinning from ear to ear when suddenly her beautiful smile fell from her face when she looked at something or someone behind me.

I looked, and it was that man who had told me to hold Layla's nose, he glanced at us, my girl gasped in shock and I knew she saw what I saw, his eyes were red around the rim of his eyes. He'd been crying, no doubt the realisation of what he'd been doing to his wife had gotten to him, and that made me feel like an ass for making a grown man cry...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now