Chapter Seventeen-Layla

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"So?" Colton says as we watch everyone leave in a cab.

I smile brightly at him as I wrap my arms around his neck. "So?" I purr.

His hands wrap around my waist just above my arse, still keeping us PG. "What do you wanna do now, angel mine?" He asks me placing a sweet kiss on my forehead.

My eyes close at the feel of his warm soft lips on my skin. "Well, I don't want this outfit to go to waste," I say looking at him again. "So, how about we go for something to eat or watch a movie?" I ask pursing my lips when I remember he's a known Everton player now when I look around to check to see if anyone is close hoping they don't recognise him.

"What's wrong, angel?" He asks me concernedly.

"Nothing, I keep forgetting you're a signed footballer now—anybody could recognise you out here," I tell him.

He simply shrugs. "Could do" he muses. "I don't really care though, I'm with my girl" he grins at me. "Are you hungry, baby?" He asks me.

"A little, Yeah," I say with a smile as I look up at him.

God, he's so fucking gorgeous it ain't even funny...

He chuckles kissing my forehead. "I like that you think I'm gorgeous, angel mine"

I groan, closing my eyes. "Oh, my god—I said that out loud?" I ask embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, angel," he says cupping my cheeks to bring my eyes to his. "I love hearing how you feel about me, I would shout it to the world to let everyone know how I feel about you." He tells me seriously. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. And I'm not just talking about on the outside, but on the inside too" he murmurs kissing my forehead. "Don't ever be embarrassed to tell me how you feel, angel mine. You'll never know how much they mean to me" he croons before he presses his lips against mine.

Our kiss starts out innocently but then the second his tongue caresses with mine, an intensity burns within me with a passion. My heart gallops at full speed, the butterflies flutter in my stomach when suddenly whistles and catcalls echo around us breaking us out of our bubble. I blush furiously hiding my face in Colton's chest. "Oh, my god" I squeak embarrassed.

"Come on, angel" Colton croons. "Let's go get something to eat," he says wrapping his arms around me as we walk towards the taxi stand ignoring the noises from the people near us.

Getting in the cab, I hide my face behind my hands. "Oh, my god" I cry. "What if they took a picture or a video of us? You'll be all over the news later—I'm so sorry, Colton"

"Hey" he croons cupping my face in his hands again. "I couldn't give two fucks about that, your my girl and I'm your man—surely they've seen couples kiss before" he huffs.

"Yeah" I cry. "But you're an Everton player now" I whisper hiss. "That's different"

"I'm still a person, angel—being an Everton player doesn't matter, I'm not gonna hide us just because of who I play for" he growls.

"I don't mean hide us" I protest weakly.

What if they find out about what happened to me... what if he finds out? Will he think I'm dirty?

He looks at me with confusion and concern as his thumbs caress my cheeks. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm worrying so much—it's been a hectic week" I laugh.

"I never wanna hide us, angel." He croons kissing my forehead. "You make me feel like I can breathe again" he murmurs against my skin.

I feel the same way, ever since that happened to me, I created a persona— a front. I felt cursed, I still feel cursed. We'll soon see if he's with me on my birthday...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now