Chapter Twelve-Colton

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I toss and turn in bed throughout the night, I'm still up when the sun rises. I can't help but think about Layla—my angel.

I get my phone out hoping to fuck she's awake.

Me: Morning angel, I couldn't sleep a wink last night. Been up thinking about you, how about an early breakfast before our date? Xx

I tiptoe out Craig's room to the bathroom, I can hear Craig's parents snores coming from their bedroom so I know they're not awake. I get a quick shower and brush my teeth when I return to the bedroom I pick up my phone. She's replied...

Angel: Morning, I suppose you aren't used to the time difference yet are you? I've been up for a few hours already myself, thinking about you, if I'm honest. Breakfast sounds nice, pick me up in about an hour? Xx

I grin from ear to ear at her response, as I type out a reply.

Me: I didn't even think of that to be honest, was thinking of your beautiful face all night. An hour sounds great, I'll see you soon Xx

I do a quick tidy around Craig's room and remake the bed I was in, a force of habit from my momma always telling me. I call for a cab and get dressed slipping on a pair of jeans, T-shirt and comfy shoes. I spot my hat in the corner and put it on checking myself over in the mirror.

My phone starts to ring, alerting me that my cab is outside. I look outside in the window and there it is waiting for me, a quick spritz of my aftershave acqua di Gio and I leave quietly, careful not to wake Craig's parents up. They're pretty heavy sleepers like considering when I came back, the lights were off but their door was open, luckily for me. I'll have to a word with Craig about that, I mean, I could have been anyone letting myself into their home.

I get in the cab telling the driver the address I heard my angel tell the driver last night. Taking out my phone and I send her a text telling her I'm on my way.

Me: Be with you soon, angel mine. I'm on my way Xx

I see the speech bubble appear on the screen as she types a reply.

Angel: I'm ready, see you soon Xx

I smile from ear to ear as I make my way to her, I decide to send momma a text. I messaged yesterday when I flew in but I just wanna let her know that I'm missing her.

Me: Hey momma, hope you're well? Missing you. Xx

I pocket my phone and notice the driver's gaze is fleeting watching me in his rearview mirror and the road.

"You're not from around here, are ya?" He asks me.

I chuckle. What the fuck gave me away?

"No, sir," I tell him. "I'm from Texas"

"You're a long way away from home, son. What brought you to the UK?" He asks me.

Bit nosey aren't you mate?

"It's a long story" I reply hoping he'll stop fishing for more.

"Well, I hope you enjoy yourself here," he says with a smile.

I think of Layla, if my days include her, I'm sure I will...

"I'm sure I will" I grin as I see my angel standing at the end of her pathway, waiting for me.

"She yours?" the driver asks me. "Pretty girl"

I snort-laugh. "Pal, she's much more than pretty—and I plan on making her mine," I tell him as I hand him a twenty-pound note.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now