Chapter Forty One- Colton (Unedited)

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The venue was packed when we arrived, the security escorted us to the VIP area which was near the front of the stage.

My girl is grinning from ear to ear as we enter the VIP section. "Oh, my god—I'm so excited, I can't believe the line up" she says in awe.

Layla has just found out that Khalid will be singing with John Mayer, it just so happens to be one of her favourite artists who has released a new album, John features on the album too. "Thankyou for bringing me here" she purrs wrapping her arms around my neck and kisses me softly.

"Anything for you, angel" I say smiling at her as our noses touch.

"Seriously?" I hear a familiar voice snarl. "Why are you even here?"

Me and Layla look to the offending voice and there stood with a man old enough to be my dad, is Sonia.


"Don't even start, Sonia" I growl. "I can't even be assed with your pettiness right now—fuck off" I growl.

"Who do you think you are?" Sonia hisses.

"He's Colton fucking Coleman" my angel snarls. "And girl, you seriously need to step off before I put my foot up your arse—Cos you straight up pissing me off now"

Sonia scoffs. "I'd like to see you try bitch, I'll have security to have you removed" She says smugly. "Ain't That right, Donald?" She asks her new sugar daddy.

I notice he's got a wedding ring on his finger, I look at him in disgust when my angel looks to the man also. "Does your wife know what a disgusting, cheating bastard of a husband she's got?" She hisses at him.

Donald quickly hides his ring finger, looking red with embarrassment. "His wife obviously doesn't know how to keep him satisfied—so he comes to me" Sonia coos at Donald. "Ain't that right, babe?" She asks him.

"Fucking pathetic excuse of a man" Layla growls looking at Donald in disgust. "If you ain't happy, leave your wife, don't fucking cheat on her" she hisses looking him over and scoffs. "Lemme guess, she thinks you're on a business trip" she asks gesturing with her fingers. "Which reminds me" Layla grins looking at Sonia. "How's the vag, Hun? Still itchy?" She asks Sonia with mock concern.

Sonia pales as Donald looks to us confused. "Ignore her babe, lets go get us some champagne" she purrs in his ear.

They go to walk away when Layla shouts. "Hey, Donald" she waits until he turns his head to look at her. "Make good choices, mate—don't be a cunt" she tells him seriously then her face morphs into her beautiful smile. "Y'all have a nice night, now, ya hear?" She says in her best Texan voice, which is pretty decent if you ask me.

Sonia gives my girl another nasty glare and hooks her arm in Donald's dragging him away. "Now, where were we?" Layla purrs wrapping her arms back around my neck.

I chuckle as my hands find her gorgeous ass, giving it a squeeze. Her lips touch mine and that's it—I'm lost in her, it's not until someone shouts get a room to us that breaks us apart. Breathless, my angel giggles resting her forehead against my chin. "Come on, angel—lets get us some drinks before it starts" I tell her and head to bar.

"Oh, my god—it's Sam Hunt" my girl squeals quietly.

And there stood at the bar with a pretty woman in his arms and a huge familiar grin on his face as he looks at her. Pretty sure that's the same expression I look at my girl with—Love. They've got security guards standing near, no doubt incase they get any crazies standing near.

"Oh, aren't they a gorgeous couple?" Layla coos. "God, the pictures don't do them justice, do they?"

I shrug, making her shake her head with a laugh. "Come on, and try and keep your fangirling level down" I tease her.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now