Chapter Seventy Three- Colton (Unedited)

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Today is the day we find out the sex of our baby, we're so excited. We waited until Asher was released from hospital before we made the appointment at the ultrasound place that Catherine and them recommended to us.

Asher suffered from a seizure as a result of a water infection, his MRI scan did pick up something but the neurologist reckons it didn't cause the seizure, apparently there had been some swelling on the left ventricle of his brain that must of gone undetected during pregnancy scans. They plan on seeing him again in a few months time, just to keep an eye on things. It was a scary fucking time for us all, that's for sure, god only knows how Craig and Catherine felt.

"I'm so excited" my angel says excitedly breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Me too" I grin. "What do you think we're having?" I ask her.

She smiles brightly at me and shrugs. "I don't really care, as long as the baby is healthy that's all that matters really"

I nod, because she's right, taking her hand in mine, I place a kiss on the inside of her wrist and she rests her head on my shoulder. We're currently sat waiting to be called in by the ultrasound technician, I look around the waiting room which is painted in blue and pink which is fucking ironic really. "Mummy and Daddy Coleman" a lady about my momma's age comes out with a huge grin on her face.

Myself and Layla stand up, the giddy smile on my woman's face makes my heart soar. "That's us" I grin taking my girls hand in mine.

"Oh, aren't you two just the cutest thing?" She coos. " My name is Sarah, and I'll be performing your ultrasound today" she smiles warmly. "Follow me" she gestures as she walks away.

As she enters the room she holds the door open for us until we're all inside. "You can take a seat there, daddy" she says gesturing to the seat next to the bed.

I try to hold in my grimace to the fact she's calling me daddy, I know that's what I am but fucking hell, I was balls deep in my woman literally an hour ago screaming that at me as I fucked her doggy style spanking her ass. "Colton" I tell the woman.

I glare at my wife who is finding it hard to hold in her laugh. Sarah looks inbetween us both with confusion but smiles warmly at us. "I'm just going to nip outside for a moment, I won't be long" she says before leaving us that's when my beautiful pain in the ass wife howls with laughter.

"Oh, my god" she snort laughs. "Your face" she cries.

I grimace looking at her, and she howls with laughter again. "Stop it" she cries. "I'm gonna piss myself"

I turn so my back is facing her and cries laughing even more. "Oh, that's even worse" she cackles.

"You're a pain in my ass, angel" I growl playfully.

"Oh, please—you love me" she giggles, starting to calm down when Sarah comes back in with a huge smile and a bottle of something.

"Right, then, mummy" Sarah smiles warmly. "Can you sit on the bed and then lie down please and once you've done that lift your top to the bottom of your bra and your pants just below your hips please, sweetie"

I stand helping Layla lie down on the bed and lower her pants down to where Sarah said as Layla lifts her shirt, she looks up at me with a huge smile on her face and I feel the need to kiss her gorgeous soft lips, so I do.

So fucking beautiful...

"Aww, bless" Sarah coos. "Aren't you just precious?"

I smile and sit my ass back down as I feel my cheeks redden.

"Right, then, let's have a little look then shall we?" Sarah says excitedly and places the hand held device on Layla's stomach. "Oh, hello, little one" she coos and moves the screen so we can look too, and there is our baby, you can see everything now, the head, fingers, toes. "Aww, look at that bless—the baby's giving us the thumbs up" she grins.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now