Chapter Seventy Four- Layla (Unedited)

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"Fuck" I moan. "Harder, baby—harder" I growl.

"You'll take what I give you, angel" Colton hisses as he pounds inside me.

"Colton—please" I beg.

"Fuck, don't beg angel, you know I can't resist it" he moans.

I grin wickedly, happy that he can't see my face as he fucks me from behind. "Please, baby, please" I plead.

"You fucking minx" he growls as he wraps my hair in his fist. Oh, fuck, yeah—it's on now...

His other hand cups the front of my neck as he pulls me up. "I know you're smiling, angel mine" he croons.

"I'm not" I rasp before I receive a spank to the arse.

"Liar" he growls in my ear before kissing my neck and he fucks me, oh, fuck does he fuck me.

"Yes" I hiss.

"Is this what you want, angel?" He growls as he pounds into me, our headboard bangs into the wall as he thrusts into me. "Hmmm?"

"Oh, fuck, yes—Colton, baby" I scream.

"Yeah, fuck—scream for me angel, fucking scream my name, tell everyone who's fucking you" he growls. "Tell everyone who's making you come" he hisses.

That's all I need, before I'm coming hard and screaming the house down. "Fuck—yeah" he groans as he comes after me.

"Jesus" I pant. "Pregnancy sex, is the shit" I say breathlessly.

Suddenly we're shaking and I realise it because he's laughing at me. "Stop laughing at me, you shit" I say swatting at him.

Making him full on laugh at me. "Seriously?!" I growl. "You're laughing at me while your cock is still balls deep in me?"

He slips from inside me and drops to the bed beside before he's up going to the bathroom, I hear the rap running for a bit as I lie down on the bed, then he's back out again his hard cock bobbing as he walks towards me carrying a cloth grinning at me. "I'm laughing, angel mine—because lately that's all you say when we have sex" he chuckles.

I frown confused. "No, I don't"

He chuckles as he cleans me up. "You do, angel" he nods. "Most of the time it's when you're going to sleep but you do say it"

"Well, fuck" I laugh.

"It's not like you're lying though, angel" he grins wiggling his eyebrows at me. "I love how sensitive your body is, how you're always horny—and yes, I know you were always horny" he chuckles. "But it's even more now, not that I'm complaining" he winks at me making me giggle breathlessly as he throws the flannel into the bathroom before he lays down next to me his hand coming to my stomach.

He lies down then next to my stomach pressing sweet kisses there. "Hey Gabriel" he coos. "This is your daddy speaking"

For the last week or so I've been experiencing fluttering in the stomach, at first I thought it was just gas or something but then it was happening more and more. "I can't wait to hold you, little man—daddy loves you so much" he says as his lips graze my stomach where I've got this cute little bump where our boy is growing inside me, just then the flutter happens again only a little stronger this time. Colton lifts his head, looking at my stomach then at me. "What was that?" He asks me.

"Could you feel that?" I ask him excitedly.

He nods excitedly. "It was a light nudge to my lip but I felt it"

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now