Chapter Seventy Five- Colton (Unedited)

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Eighteen Weeks Later

"The fuck you mean, Layla's in labour?" I growl to my best friend Craig.

"Exactly what I'm saying, bro" he chuckles.

"Why didn't she phone me?" I ask him.

"Well, dude, she's kinda preoccupied trying to keep your kid in until she gets to the hospital" he chuckles. "You're lucky Catherine was with her"

"Fucking hell, I only went to the Asda to get her favourites" I grumble as I get in my car. "Is she okay? Fuck, I'll call Catherine and talk to my wife myself" I say to my best friend before cutting him off.

I press the airplay button on my steering wheel.
"Call Catherine" I say out loud.

"Calling Catherine" the robotic voice replies and starts to dial Catherine's number. I don't even think it rings once when I hear Catherine's voice. "Colt? Oh, thankgod—Layla's in labour, I've already called the ambulance they're on there way" she tells me.

"I'm two minutes away, cat" I reply trying to keep my shit together as I speed down the roads, the Asda is ten minutes from our home but the way I'm driving I'll be there in two.

"Are you trying to keep your shit together, babe?"
I hear my girl ask through the speakers. "You better not be speeding, Colton Coleman—I need you in one piece" my wife pants.

"I'm not speeding, angel" I lie as I press on the accelerator fully, I see my street in my sights. "I'm nearly there, angel" I croon as I turn onto our street, I spot the blue lights of the ambulance behind me as i drive down towards my home.

"I'm here, angel and so is the ambulance" I tell her as I hang up the phone and leap out my car.

"Angel?" I bellow as I enter my home.

Catherine comes out holding Ashlyn, her beautiful baby girl. "Hey" I say softly kissing her cheek then Ashlyn's forehead.

"Her waters broke already, and she's getting contractions every fifteen minutes, or so" she says as she follows me into the living room.

And there she is, my reason for living. "Hey, angel—I'm here now" I croon.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. "Hello?" A woman shouts through the house.

I can hear Catherine talking to them as I rub my palm up and down Layla's back. "Are you okay, angel?" I ask her softly.

"Yeah" she pants breathing in and out slowly.

"Okay, then, mummy, shall we get you checked over?" The lady paramedic says softly as she kneels down beside me.

Layla nods inbetween breaths. "My name is Ellie, what's yours?" The paramedic asks as she starts getting her equipment out.

"Layla" my angel pants. "Oh, fuck" she hisses in pain my heart twists at the sight of my wife in pain.

"How far apart was that one cat?" I ask looking back at Catherine.

"They're closer together now, that one was ten minutes" she says as she rocks ashlyn in her arms.

I look to my angel who's face is scrunched up in pain, but fuck she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. "Can you not give her any pain relief?" I ask Ellie. "I don't want her in any pain"

"You're sweet, babe, but I'm gonna be pushing out our son from my hooha soon—pain is inevitable" my wife chuckles.

"Don't I know it" Catherine grumbles.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now