Chapter Seventy Two- Layla (Unedited)

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When we arrived at the hospital we ran straight to the ward amber told us he was on and we could hear Craig's bellow before we entered the room.

"I don't give a fuck, love" he growled at the woman standing beside Asher who was currently still sleeping. "You do tests on my son, or I'll just take him now to a private hospital who will do the tests on him"

"Sir, I understand how upsetting this must be for you but can you please refrain from using that language towards me" she tells him before sighing. "As I said before, this is his first seizure—"

"And we told you about the difficulties we had whilst my wife was pregnant with him—no tests was done when he was born, so I'll be damned if I let it go without him having a brain scan, fuck—anything" he croaks. "Can you not see how upsetting this is for my wife? She's pregnant and needs to know if our son is okay, please, just do something—i'll pay what ever the costs, just please"

"Hey" I croak.

Craig and Catherine look to us, Craig smiles sadly and Catherine bursts into tears. "Layla—my baby" she wails.

"Shhh" I coo walking to her giving Craig a comforting squeeze as I pass him and take Catherine in my arms. "It's okay babe, he's gonna be just fine, you'll see"

I look up and see Colton taking Craig in his arms giving him a hug, I see Craig's body shaking in his arms, my heart breaks at the look of pain on my husbands face for his best friend. "Can you not do something for him?" Colton pleads to the doctor. "Anything, an EEG, MRI?"

The doctor looks at us apologetically. "With him only having the one seizure—" she says before my husband cuts her off.

"Listen—" he says looking at her name tag. "Dr. Dixon, you take asher for an MRI now and I'll give the hospital Fifty thousand pound, right now—" he says seriously.

"Sir—I'm sorry, but that's not how hospitals work" she says softly.

"Fuck this—AMBER" Craig bellows. "Get Marcus on the phone, please, tell him to find me a private hospital for Asher, we're getting tests done TO-DAY!!" Craig growls.

"I'm here, Craig" Marcus calls suddenly.

"Bro" Colton says softly. "Let's just cool it, for a sec, yeah?" and looks to Dr. Dixon. "Is my nephew stable, doctor?"

"Why—yes, he is—but I can't let you take him" she says before he cuts her off.

"Craig, bro, do you trust me?" He asks Craig looking into his eyes.

"Of course" he replies instantly.

"Give me, half an hour—I'll sort this, okay?" He tells him. "You stay here with your boy—"

"What are you gonna do?" I ask him.

"Stay here, angel—I'll sort this" he croons kissing me on the forehead before leaving the room.

"What're you gonna do, Colton?" I hear Marcus ask Colton as he walks fast to keep up with his strides, I don't hear his reply but Marcus keeps running after him.

"He's not gonna get himself into shit is he?" Catherine asks me.

I shrug. "Marcus has gone with him" I tell her.

"So, what can you tell us about our son?" Craig growls at the doctor.

"I can't tell you anything really, not until we have the blood results back, all we know is that he's had a seizure—we don't know the cause of it" she says softly. "His temperature was slightly high, but not enough to cause an issue"

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now