Chapter Sixty One- Colton (Unedited)

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When the photographer is finished taking everyones pictures, she tells us that she'll meet us at the reception venue. Me and Layla are in our wedding car riding to the venue, I pour her a glass of pure orange juice and one for myself. "Mmmm" she moans taking a sip of the cool orange juice in her mouth. "Thankyou" closing her eyes.

Jesus, she's so beautiful...

Her smile brightens as her eyes open slowly looking at me with so much Love, love, something years ago, I never thought I'd have. Yet, this woman loves me, the look in her eyes shows me she does, she's a gift, my saving grace, my angel.

"What are you staring at?" She giggles.

"Just how beautiful you are, and how much I love you" I tell her.

"I'm only as beautiful as you make me feel, and right now I feel like I'm Aphrodite herself" she chuckles.

"You're more than that" I growl.

She giggles softly. "You're good for my ego, husband of mine" she says softly cupping my cheek.

"I only speak the truth, angel mine" I say softly resting my forehead against hers. "I love you"

"I love you" she murmurs.

Suddenly she yawns, I know she's been tired a lot lately, as our baby grows the more tired she becomes. "Sleep, angel, I'll wake you when we arrive" I tell her as I take the glass from her and put my arm over her shoulder to pull her close, she rests her head on my chest and closes her eyes, my thumb circles on her bare skin until she falls asleep.

What seems like seconds later the car comes to a stand still. "We're here, sir" the driver announces.

I look to the clock and it's been half an hour since my angel fell asleep. Damn, that flew...

"Angel" I say softly kissing her forehead. "Wake up, baby, we're here" I tell her.

She moans. "Can't we just go straight to the hotel?" She asks me.

If that's what she wants, that's what she'll get—

"If that's what you want, angel" I say before calling the driver.

"Sir?" He asks confused.

"You would actually miss our wedding reception wouldn't you?" She asks me. "Just so I can sleep?"

I shrug with a grin. "You're mine now, nothing else really matters as long as you and the baby are okay" I tell her.

"Well, as much as I'd love to go back to sleep right now, I don't wanna miss our wedding reception—it's our first everything as husband and wife" she says softly.

"Are you sure?" I ask worriedly as she yawns again.

"I'm fine, babe" she giggles. "I'm growing a human, is all"

"Come on then, let's go inside before they send out a search party" I grin at my wife as I open my door and hold my hands out for Layla.

"How do I look?" She asks me as she starts fixing herself. "I bet my makeup is a mess" she grumbles.

"You look beautiful, angel" I croon bringing her flush to me with my hands on her ass.

She smiles brightly up at me. "You'd say that even though I'd look a show though wouldn't you?" She asks me.

I shake my head. "You'd never look a show anyway, angel, so that's moot" I say taking her by the hand as we stand outside the building.

We hired a venue that my girl fell in love with as a child, the Isla—it's a secluded venue in set with its own private grounds and lakes. When we went to view it, I have to admit, even I was struck by its beauty. The Isla itself is like a large white glass house, with beautiful flowers and statues surrounding the area.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now