Chapter Thirteen- Layla

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Spending the day with this man has been amazing, he's been a complete gentleman. Holding my hand, placing sweet little kisses on my hand, forehead, nose and cheek but never my lips. I kinda feel disappointed, but I think he trying to woo me.

We've spent the day at otterspool promenade, first breakfast at Pat and Tony's pub, a walk along the prom. We also paid a visit to the adventure centre that's situated on the prom also, it was so much fun, we did wall climbing, went down the zip line a couple of times—we even went canoeing. I've never had so much fun in all my life, and it was all because of him.

We're now sat on a bench, just watching the view. He arm is around my shoulder holding me close to his body when suddenly his phone starts to ring. "Excuse me, angel" he grins and answering the call.

"What's up?" He asks the caller.

He listens for a beat looking confused at whatever the callers saying. "No, I did go back to your place—your parents left their front door unlocked Craig, unlocked. Do they always do that shit?" He asks him.

"Well, it's not safe" he growls. "I could have been anyone"

"Yeah, you do that," he tells him. "What? Oh, I'm out with Layla" he replies then grins brightly looking at me. "Yeah, she's somethin' "

I blush furiously under his gaze, which makes him chuckle. "Nothin', just Layla being cute" he grins.

I flip him the bird, pulling my tongue out at him which makes him laugh loudly as he listens to what Craig says. "What? Oh, okay, see you later"

"Everything okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, he and Catherine spent the night at a hotel last night. He was worried because his mom told him I didn't come home last night" he tells me sitting down next to me.

"Why does she think you never went home?" I ask confused.

"Well, when I got back to the house, they were already asleep—they'd left their door unlocked and I was gone before they woke up" he explains.

"Oh," I murmur.

"Would you like some ice cream?" He asks me licking his lips as he gestures to the ice cream van.

"Yes, please" I grin licking my lips. "I haven't had a Mr Whippy in ages" I moan.

I hear a growl coming from him then, I look to him he eyes have darkened. "What's wrong?" I ask concernedly.

"Nothing" he murmurs looking at my lips.

"I heard you growl" I argue. "What's wrong? Have I done—"

He cuts me off with a searing kiss making moan, he groans in response and suddenly he pulls away. "I'm sorry, angel" he apologises. "I didn't want to kiss you again until I knew you were mine" he looks at me then. "But then you moaned, Jesus, baby—" he groans kissing me again.

Sweet love of god...

"Be mine" he says between kisses.

"What?" I ask breathlessly.

"Say you'll be mine, angel—please" he begs kissing me once more before resting his forehead against mine.

"Just to clarify—" I ask.

"I want you to be my girl, angel" He clarifies.

"You want me to be your girl?" I repeat.

"More than anything," he says with a sweet kiss to the nose.

"So, that would make you—" I question.

"I'll be your man, angel mine" he finishes for me.

I focus on his eyes for I don't know how long before I take a deep cleansing breath. "Okay," I whisper.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now