Chapter Twenty One-Layla

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"Happy Birthday to you" mum sings down the phone to me. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to my beautiful laylaaaaa—Happy Birthday to you"

"Thanks, mum" I smile.

"You're welcome baby, so what are you doing to celebrate? Is Colton taking you anywhere nice?" She asks me.

Colton doesn't even know it's my birthday...

"I don't know mum, he hasn't said anything," I tell her.

"Awww, he's such a nice man—he's probably got a few surprises up his sleeve" she chuckles.

My heart hurts hearing my mum talk about my birthday, every year for the last two years something bad has happened to me on my birthday. First Travis broke up with me on my birthday and then that happened to me. It was on the journey home from the hospital that I told myself I wouldn't celebrate my birthday anymore, nothing good happens on my birthday.

"Listen, mum, I gotta go—I call you later, okay?" I tell her as tears well up in my eyes.

I take a deep breath trying to keep my shit together. "Okay, sweet girl—I love you, happy birthday baby," she says before we hang up.

I sit there for a minute, trying to calm myself down. "Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday," Colton says from behind me.

I gasp with fright, he's standing there looking delicious in droplets with droplets of water cascade down his body.

"Colton, you frightened me," I say avoiding his question. "How long have you been standing there for?" I ask him turning my back to him.

"Long enough to hear your mom sing happy birthday to you" He growls.

I force a laugh out. "She'd shit herself if she knew you heard her sing" I chuckle nervously.

"Angel, why didn't you tell me?" He asks me.

I feel myself start to panic. "What's the big fucking deal?" I cry standing up. "I don't know your birthday" I hiss.

"Tenth of fucking may, there—see how easy that was" he roars.

I flinch at the sound of his voice, he curses because he saw me flinch. "Angel mine" He croaks. "I'm so sorry for scaring you, that wasn't my intention—I just...why didn't you tell me, baby?" he asks taking me in his arms.

"Because I don't celebrate my birthday anymore that's why, so it was pointless to tell you," I say pulling away from him.

"What?" He asks confused. "Why?"

"Because" I cry.

"Why won't you tell me?" He asks me sounding hurt.

My heart aches at the sound of the hurt in his voice, he's just gonna keep pushing and pushing for me to tell him. I can't, what if he leaves me too—my birthday is just a curse. I have to get out of here, I can't do this.

"I'm sorry Colton, I can't be here right now" I choke holding back my tears.

"Baby, don't you dare leave me like this— just tell me please" he pleads coming closer to me but I back away shaking my head.

"I can't, I'm sorry Colton—I just, I can't" I sob and run out of my apartment so fast ignoring Colton's cry for me to wait, for me to stay.

I don't stop though, I don't even use the lift, I run down the stairs and head to the one place I can think, the dance studio.

I pull a taxi on the main road, ignoring the calls my phone is receiving right now which is no doubt, Colton. Maybe If I stay away from him till tomorrow, stay in the studio—I'll be okay, we'll be okay.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now