Chapter Forty Seven- Colton (Unedited)

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"Babe, what're you doin?" Craig groans.

"I'm just gonna call mum, just to double check she's got everything she needs for Asher" she says as she gets her phone out.

We're on our way to the airport to fly back to Texas for mama and Saint's wedding, Asher is now three months old and is staying with Ava and Paddy while Craig and Catherine come to the wedding. "Baby, our boy is fine, your mum and dad have everything they need for Asher—and even if they didn't, they have their key to our house if they need anything" he says softly to her.

"Yeah, you're right" she says putting her phone back in her pocket. "Just feels so weird leaving him"

"It's just for a few days, baby" Craig croons. "We'll be back before you know it, and we can FaceTime your mum too—remember she said day or night"

"Yeah" she replies sadly.

"I can't wait to see mama k, again" my girl says excitedly.

"Me too, angel" I say softly putting my arm around her and pulling her close to my side.

"I can't wait to see Saint's face" Craig chuckles mischievously. "He fuckin hates me" he laughs loudly. "It's gonna be fun"

"Oh, my god, he does not" my angel cries. "He's just very possessive of mama k, that's all"

"And you push all his fuckin' buttons too" I chuckle.

"Like I said, it's gonna be fun" he chuckles.

I shake my head at my best friend, fucker is nuts—but I love him anyway...

Nearly nineteen hours later, we touch in San Antonio's Airport—mama and saint are already waiting for us when we finish collecting our bags. "Watch this" Craig mumbles before a huge grin comes across his face. "Where's my favourite American mama" Craig cries as he runs towards mama, I can already see saints scowling face from here.

"Oh, my god—Saint looks like he's gonna murder him" My angel giggles by my side.

"I better had be your only American mama" mama crows happily as Craig lifts her up effortlessly swinging her around in a circle.

"I won't even dignify that with a response, mama k" Craig croons kissing her cheek as he lowers her down to the floor, but keeps her in his embrace.

Saint's growl echoes to where we stand, Craig looks happily at Saint, knowing full well the reaction he's getting from him. "Saint, my man" Craig says happily. "How you doin? You good?"

"I was" Saint growls dragging mama from Craig's embrace.

Mama rolls her eyes but smiles brightly as Saint takes her in his embrace. "Behave, honey" she scolds him.

"Yeah, honey—you gotta learn to share" Craig teases him and reaches for mama again making her giggle.

Saints gaze drops to mama's as she laughs in his arms. His eyes are filled with love, as he smiles down at her. "You, my Brit, need to behave aswell, now—where is your beautiful bride?" She asks him as she looks over to us.

"Hey, mama" I wave as I walk towards them, Layla and Catherine follow behind me.

"Oh, my sweet boy—I've missed you" she coos hugging me around the waist.

"I've missed you too, mama" I say as I rest my head on the top of hers, I spot saint then as he smiles at me with a chin lift. "Hey, Pops"

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now