Chapter Eighteen-Colton

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Me and Craig enter the changing room which is already chocker with our teammates, to get changed into our training kit before the match kicks off if in a few hours.

"So you and Catherine are moving in together, huh? That's great news mate, I'm happy for you" I say happily.

And I am, I'm happy he's getting his forever...

"Thanks, My man— she's fucking feels like things are goin right where I want them to go" he grins as he changes into his kit and I change into mine.

"That's great Craig— she's a nice gal," I tell him as I reach for my shirt.

"How're you and Tink getting on?" He asks me.

I grin looking over my shoulder at him. "She's amazing man— I mean we're it's still pretty new an all, we're spending time together— getting to know one other" I smile turning back around putting my beanie over my ears.

"There he is— my little brother playing side by side with me" Russ says as he and Justin come towards us, he messes with Craig's hair which he slaps Russ's hand away making Russ laugh. "You nervous for your first game?" He asks Craig as stands by his locker taking his jacket off.

"Nah, reckon Craig's got this—don't ya Craig?" Justin asks removing his T-shirt.

Craig grins at him. "Fuck yeah I do—" He tells him

"I mean you've just taken on paddy for crying out loud— this fucker just told paddy he's moving kitty cat in with him" Justin chuckles looking at Russ.

"Fucking hell—and you made it out alive?" Russ teases.

"Of course I did—the man know's the score," Craig tells them and they both look at him with knowing grins.

"Ava was there wasn't she?" They say in unison with smug expressions.

"So—" craig shrugs. "Paddy knows how serious I am about Catherine, having Ava there helped ease it in better" he tells them.

"Ava takes no shit from paddy, he knows he won't win the argument if ava's involved— he just grunts and moans about how shit ain't fair" Justin chuckles

"Eh, you two have got that to come with Eva and Catherine" Russ chuckles at Craig and Justin.

I snort to myself at what Russ has just said, the man is married to the mother of women who takes no shit.

"Beg ya pardon there, Russ—but aren't you married to amber?" I tease, Russ glares at me then. "I mean she's a diamond gal, but you can tell she's a firecracker" I chuckle.

Russ doesn't take it as a joke as he full on snarls at me. "Lad— you lucky you're my bro's boy, cos nobody talks about my woman" Russ growls.

Who the fuck does this fucker think he is?

I go to step into the fuckers face when Craig puts his hand on my chest to stop me and glares at his brother. "Eh— fucking calm down, he's only havin a laugh.. and anyway weren't you just taking the piss out of Eva and Catherine?" He growl defending me he knows I don't need it but it means a lot that he's defending me.

I look to him with raised eyebrows and he looks at me with a look that says yeah, I know he's prick, but he's my brother.

Russ's morphs into a look of guilt then before Craig's talking to him again. "Eh, Did you know your wife turned up at my apartment yesterday?" He asks him. "She'd been eavesdropping in Duncan and Marcus's convo and heard them talking about where I live—came round fucking pounding on my door" he tells Russ.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now