Chapter Thirty Seven- Colton

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"Be quiet" I growl as I fuck my angel up the shower wall.

"You be quiet" she hisses on a moan. "It's not my fault you fuck me so good"

I chuckle nipping her bottom lip and roll my hips just how I know she likes it. "Yes, just like that—fuck" she hisses throwing her head back in ecstasy.

"You like that, baby?" I croon.

"You know I do" she growls. "Harder"

"Fuck—hang on, angel mine" I growl as I piston my hips as she gyrates her hips, I can feel the tip of my cock brushing against her womb I'm that fucking deep, it's then that I feel her pussy starting to squeeze me

I groan licking and sucking at her neck. "Fuck, angel baby, I can feel you squeezing me, you gonna come for me?" I growl.

"Yes" she cries biting her lip from screaming in pleasure.

"I fucking love looking at you when you come, so fucking sexy" I growl. "Love looking at you taking my cock so deep, so hard— love that sound your pussy makes when I'm fucking you so good that you're soaked" I hiss.

Suddenly her teeth bites down on my shoulder as she comes hard setting off my own orgasm. "Fuuuuck" I groan as I come so hard my legs shake.

I lean against her and her teeth come from my shoulder. "Oh, my god—I'm so sorry baby" she gasps.

I chuckle at her expression. "Don't be sorry, angel mine—I happen to like your mark" I wink at her.

"But it looks like it's gonna bruise" she cries. "Are you gonna need a tetanus?"

So fucking cute...

"I don't think you are, I didn't break the skin—maybe we should ask your mum" she babbles.

"Angel" I croon.

"I mean I haven't got any diseases like—" she carries on.

"Baby" I chuckle.

"But I still think we should—"

I cut her off with a passionate kiss until she melts underneath me. "Better?" I ask when I pull my lips from hers.

"No, I hurt you—" she cries before I cut her off with another deep kiss, she moans into my mouth and I pull away again.

"You can't keep kiss—" she pants and I capture her mouth again.

"Y'all two, you done in there?" Saint crows. "You're wastin' all the darn hot water"

"Oh, my god" Layla gasps in embarrassment and I chuckle at her red cheeks.

"You're so damn cute when you're embarrassed, angel" I croon.

"I'm not embarrassed" she cries. "I'm fucking mortified, I won't be able to look at Saint in the eyes ever again"

I chuckle at her expression, fuck, she's cute as fuck when she's pissed... she scowls at me as she wraps a towel around her. "This is all your fault" she growls quietly. "I lose all train of thought when you kiss me"

"You say that like it's a bad thing, angel" I grin from ear to ear.

"It is when the man who is basically your dad hears us having it off in the shower" she hisses.

"You're right" I croon. "I'm sorry, angel" I say going to hug her.

But she puts her hands up stopping me, I frown confused. Why won't she let me hold her?

"You're naked, babe" she giggles. "You ain't touching me again until you put the bad boy away" she says gesturing to my cock who twitches at her.

"Stop it" she giggles.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now