Chapter Twenty Eight-Layla

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It's been a week since Catherine was in hospital admittance and that fucking slutbag-crank Rebecca's break-in, I still feel to blame that she was able to get to Catherine when she did, if I would have just stayed with her. Sure enough, when I told Catherine I felt to blame with what happened I got the classic Catherine snarl—I mean it's scary as fuck but it's not surprising seen as though she perfected the look from her mum. Today is my girls first day back at work and we're driving to work, I currently have my Spotify app on shuffle and Luke Bryan's- way, way back is blasting through the speakers.

And I'm lost singing along to the song...

Hey, baby, it's been a minute since
Me and you got caught up in a little wild and young
Kinda reckless love
That song that was playing when we first kissed
Yeah, you probably don't think I remember it
Got it in the truck
I can dial it up...

It's not long until Catherine is singing along with me, well, at least to the chorus.

"Who's this?" She asks me.

I grin at her as I know I've got her hooked. "Oh, his name is Luke Bryan— I love this song, it's called way, way back. Colton's got me on to a quite a few country singers. Oh, and girl— Sam hunt, don't tell Colton this but that man" I close my eyes briefly and shiver as I think of the gorgeous specimen that is Sam Hunt. "He finer than a motherfucker, obviously he ain't got nothing on my baby," I say to her and he hasn't, god, my man is just the most stunning, gorgeous specimen on the planet.

"You really like him don't you?" Catherine grins at me.

I feel a little guilty not telling her that we've said the L-word to each other and that we've already been intimate, I just wanna keep that to myself for a little longer.

I blush, sighing happily. "I do, we're still getting to know one another and I know he's not ready to share his past with me yet—but we'll get there" I smile feeling guilty that I'm not telling her the truth, I know my girl and she'll wanna know everything, not that she's nosey, but that she genuinely wants to get to know my man, but that's not up to me but Colton himself.

"I'm happy for you babe, it's nice to see that smile again." She smiles brightly at me.

I nod. "I'm getting there, and now that I've found Colton— maybe we can both fix our broken" she smiles as we get onto the M56 motorway. "Right, let's find a happy song now— I've got the perfect song from Sam Hunt" I squeal as I start to sing along to body like a backroad.

"Oh my god, I love his voice—" Catherine says as we listen to Sam sing.

I grin from ear to ear. "Right? Colton won't let me listen to Sam if he's in the car with me" I laugh. "He said to me— Angel mine, you don't need that country boy when you've already gotta country MAN" I mimic his voice and giggle. "Jesus, even just thinking of my man's voice sends tingles down my spine" I sigh longingly with a shiver as I think about that night he said this to me...

Oh, god— that was fucking amazing...

By the time we reach Bluebell, Catherine tells me she's got a new found love in country music and asks me to send her my playlists on her Spotify later. Walking into the school building, Jill spots us and smiles brightly when she sees Catherine. "There she is, how're you feeling now love?" She asks her.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now