Chapter Twenty- Colton

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I'm standing in a corridor in the team line up, at the side of me is the Chelsea teammates—each of them are holding hands with a child wearing the Everton kit and I look down to the kid who's hand I'm holding and they're wearing a Chelsea kit...

"Are you okay, kid?" I ask the little lad who I was paired with.

He nods staring at me. "You talk funny," he says with a frown.

"That's because I'm not from here, I'm from Texas," I tell him.

"That means you're a cowboy," he tells me. "Why are you playing football?"

"Can't I be both?" I ask him.

"Suppose" he shrugs and takes his focus off me.

Good talk kid, good talk...

I look to Craig who looks at the little girl he's been paired with who is looking up at him wide-eyed. "Hey kid, what's your name?" He asks her smiling down at her politely, she just stares at him not saying anything.

The whole interaction makes me grin from ear to ear as he looks at me. "What're you laughing at?" he scowls at me.

"Nothin pal, kids love you though, huh?" I tease him, he looks at me funny but then looks back towards the little girl. "So you like Chelsea, do you?" He asks her.

She frowns. "I'm wearing the shirt, what do you think?" She retorts.


"Alllllrighty then," he says using a quote from ace venture-pet detective and looks back at me with a What the fuck face, I grin from ear to ear and shake my head.

"My mummy says that you're a cheating arse," the kid says to Craig her face all smug.

What the fuck? How old is this kid? Six? And what the hell is that supposed to mean?

"I'm pretty sure you're too young to be saying swear words kid," Craig tells her and then I see his body freeze.

The referee shouts then. "Right lads let's go—"

Craig looks to me and I see the confusion on his face, I'm pretty sure my expression mirrors his because I don't know where that came from. I see him battling with himself as to what the little girl meant, she's probably been told to say that by her dad or something to put him off his game.

"Kids dad probably told her to say it, trying to put you off your game Craig— don't listen to her" I whisper in his ear.

He nods giving me a small smile, I follow Tom with the kid's hand in mine as we walk out the corridor on to the pitch, we line up as Russ our captain starts the handshake with each other Chelsea players followed by the refs. I follow suit shaking the other players and referees hand, and the children are all escorted off the pitch, the girl that held Craig's hand pulls her tongue out at him and runs off.

The Lil shit...

Me and my teammates get into a circle and huddle up. "Right come on lads, let's kick some arse— Craig...Colton, are you ready lads?" Russ asks me and Craig.

Me and Craig grin at each other mischievously. "Fuck yeah, we are" we shout.

Russ grins at us and claps enthusiastically. "Let's show them what we're made of then, eh lads? Who are weeeeeee?" he shouts.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now