Chapter Eleven-Layla

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Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my GOD...

His kisses are just so soul-shattering, my heart is beating frantically. Not because I'm scared, well I was a little wary at first, but somehow I knew, I was safe with him. It's in his eyes, they're very expressive.

"Are you okay?" He asks me in his heavy Texan accent as he rests his forehead against mine.

We're both breathless after that kiss, I nod with a shy smile. "Yeah, you?"

He laughs, closing his eyes. "I can honestly say, that I've never felt better" and opens his eyes, I gulp at the intensity in them.

I realise that Cat and Craig are nowhere to be seen. "Where did Cat and lurch go?" I ask looking around.

Colton chuckles and kisses my forehead. "They left the club during our first kiss, Angel" he grins making his dimples pop again.

"Oh," I groan. "Those dimples of yours are dangerous, I better text Ava and let her know cat's staying at my place otherwise she'll worry" I add.

Me: Cat's staying at my place, her battery has run out Xx

I send a text to Cathrine, to forewarn her;

Me: Texted your mum, told her you were staying with me at my place- ohmigawd Colton is FINE!!! Yo ass better call me in the morning!! I want ALL the deets 😉 Love ya gurl!!! Xxxx

He chuckles again, the sound of his laughter gives me butterflies. "Would you like me to get you a cab?" He asks me. "Or would you like to stay with me for a while longer? I promise I'll be the perfect gentleman" he promises with two fingers in the air.

I look deep into his eyes, they're so mesmerising that you can see so much in them. "Were you a scout?" I tease.

His smile falters slightly but he smiles again. "No, but I'm a man of my word—besides, Craig and Catherine both know you're with me," he tells me.

"True" I smile. "Has Craig shown you around yet?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "Not really, no—we basically flew from the US to here, went to Craig's brothers, then to his house and then came here" he shrugs.

"Oh my god, so you've literally just come from the US?" I gasp.

He nods with a grin. "Well, a couple of hours ago" he shrugs.

"How are you not tired?" I ask.

He grins widely. "Well, how could I be tired when I have the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, right here in front of me?"

I blush furiously. "Okay, Casanova—who else have you said this too?" I tease.

His grin slips into a serene smile. "No one else, just you," he tells me.

I giggle nervously as I tuck my hair behind my ear. "How about I give you a tour?" I ask him biting my lip with nerves.

His darkened gaze looks at my lips and then back into my eyes and they soften as he holds his hand out for me to hold. "Sounds good to me" he grins. "Do you have a coat or anything to collect before we leave?" He asks me.

I snort-laugh. "A coat? With this dress?" I gesture to my red dress.

His eyes roam down my body slowly, taking in every inch, every curve like he's cataloguing every bit of my body in his mind. His eyes come back to mine and grins, making those delicious fucking dimples pop once more. God, I could lick those fucking dimples.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now