Chapter Thirty Eight- Layla

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"What aisle is the hair products, babe?" I ask as we enter the huge arse store. God, this place puts my local Asda to shame.

Colton looks up and points. "Hair products, aisle twenty seven" he grins.

"I hope to god they have frizz ease" I moan. "The heat here is fucking with my curls"

"I fucking love your curls, angel" he croons kissing my nose.

"Well, as I live and breathe" a horrid whiny voice says suddenly. "It's Colton Coleman"

I look to where the voice came from and there is a woman about our age, slim, with long red hair, blue eyes, freckles—she's gorgeous. I watch as her eyes roam Colton appreciatively, a gaze I'd know anywhere— she's had sex with my man.

"Fuck" Colton mutters. "Sonia" he replies flatly wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close.

Sonia? Where do I know that name—his ex, Sonia?

"Nawh, He's told you about me has he?" She purrs licking her lips at him and as I realised I said that out loud. "And who are you?" She asks looking me up and down.

"I'm his girlfriend" I tell her wrapping my arm around his waist.

"How cute" she grimaces looking me up and down. "I see you're slumming it now, eh Colton" she chuckles. "I told you that you couldn't find a girl better than me" she huffs.

"Ha!! And this is coming from someone holding cream for an itchy vag?" I snort laugh. "Get to fuck, come on, baby" I purr taking Colton's hand in mine as we walk past her.

Her face reddens as she hides the cream from view. "It's not mine, it's my momma's" she blurts.

"Sure, it is Hun" I say sarcastically as we walk away.

Colton chuckles loudly as I hear Sonia stomp away. "That was fucking amazing, angel" he says nuzzling my neck.

"I can't believe you used to date that" I growl.

He looks down at me with a grimace. "I know, believe me, I know" he grumbles.

"Oh, well, you've got me now" I grin kissing him once, twice on the lips. "You're mine" I growl possessively.

"All yours, angel mine" he croons.

"Just think, he had those lips on me first" Sonia states smugly.

"Really? Again Sonia?" I roll my eyes with a huff. "We all have twatty pasts that we cannot change, you being part of Colton's past doesn't change how I feel for him" I tell her.

"I was the first girl he ever loved, you never forget your first love" she states to me.

"No, Sonia. You weren't the first girl I ever loved, now that I have Layla" Colton says hugging me closer. "I know now, all I had with you was lust— or at least fucking puppy love. Compared to what I have with Layla is different, my love for her is deep, soul crushing kinda love—she is my first love, she is my only love" he tells her seriously.

Sonia scoffs folding her arms. "You're pathetic you are Colton Coleman, you couldn't find love from your whore druggie momma so you find it in the next best thing" she says evilly with a smug smile.

Oh, no she fucking didn't...

I go to take my earrings out ready to open a can of whoop arse on this slut, how fucking dare she say that to my man. Colton grabs me before I lunge at her, kissing my forehead softly. "It's okay, angel mine" he tells me.

"You know what is pathetic Sonia? You, you say shit about me, about my birth momma, when really you need to look in the mirror" he growls. "You go from man to man, fuck even women to find even a semblance of affection, something you never got from your own parents, so before you go and judge me, judge my life—make sure you have a fucking perfect one yourself first" he hisses at her.

Her faces reddens with either anger or embarrassment—fuck I could be both, but I grab his hand and pull him away. "You're trash, Coleman—you always have been, you always will be" Sonia shouts but her voice catches at the end.

That's fucking it...

I stalk back towards her, ignoring Colton's plea to leave it alone. "Just a sec, baby" I purr as I get up in her face.

"You say anything else about my man, I'll fuck you up—you hear me? You don't wanna fuck with me sweet'ums, swear down" I growl. "You don't fuck off, me and you will be having words, of the physical kind—you feel me?" I hiss.

"Uh—" Colton says before I roll my eyes and cut him off.

"No, babe, I don't mean sex—you keep me plenty happy in that department, don't cha think?" I tell him but keep my gaze locked on Sonia's, her expression is angry but isn't saying anything as people start to stop to witness our encounter.

"I also want to Thankyou Sonia" I grin from ear to ear as she looks at me confused. "Thankyou for not being able to keep those legs closed and stay faithful to the most amazing man you'll ever meet, yes—you had him first, but see this girl here" I say pointing to myself. "I'll be having him for a lifetime, and for that—I Thankyou" I sigh happily. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find the miracle that is frizz ease for this fucking hair of mine, toodles" I say as I turn to wave at her.

I look to Colton and he's looking at me with so much love and awe. "I fucking love you, angel" he growls.

I grin with a giggle. "I know, cowboy—I love you too" I purr kissing him chastely on the lips.

We find the serum and leave the store, when we do Sonia is bent over talking to some man through the window of a flashy car. "Some things never change" Colton grumbles shaking his head in disgust.

"You know, she's gonna get a name for herself if she keeps doing that—does she not care?" I ask Colton.

He sighs heavily and holds my hand tightly. "Back when we used to date, I was devoted to her, blinded by the fact that I was searching for affection from a female besides my momma— there were rumours, rumours that she had been with my team mates, fuck—there was rumours she'd been with the male teachers to get a decent grade" he laughs humourlessly. "It was until I caught her and some dude fucking against a wall"

I grimace with disgust. "I broke up with her after that, got checked for STD's and just fucked Her whenever I felt like a fuck" he shrugs. "I gave no fucks about who she was with, I didn't kiss her anymore, I didn't have sex without a condom—I wore a condom when she sucked me off too" he tell me.

"And this is all because of her mum and dad that she's the way she is?" I ask him.

He shrugs as he opens his car door for me. "It was at first, now I think she just does it because she loves the attention she gets from men and woman"

"Fucking hell, she's a human fucking double dip" I chuckle.

Colton frowns at me confused. "What don't you have them here?" I ask him.

"Not that I know of" he chuckles. "What is it?"

"Oh, it's sherbet—one side is orange and the other is cherry with a swizzle stick—that's a sweet too by the way" I tell him. "Anyway, that's what I'm saying—Sonia's a double dip, she dips in men and women" I tell him. "It doesn't seem so funny now" I grumble.

"Shall I pretend I know what it is and laugh" he grins at me.

"Please" I pout.

He laughs loudly gaining the attention of people passing by including Sonia. "Double dip—Ha Ha Haaaaaaa" he booms with laughter.

Just him like this makes me laugh out loud with him, I'm laughing so hard I'm in tears. We drive off still laughing and I give Sonia a thumbs up as we pass her. I reach for my man's hand entwining my fingers with his and kiss the back of it before putting them in his lap. "I love you, angel" he chuckles.

"I love you too, babe" I tell him.

He's mine, double dip—fucking mine...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now