Epilogue- Layla (Unedited)

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It's been a month since our Gabriel was born and Luke has avoided talking to me about Helen ever since the whole thing went down in the hospital. I know there is more than what he's letting on. Luke has always, always been a player, one night stands where his thing. That's why I know, that this thing is serious with Helen, I'd never ever seen him with a woman like he was with her—ever.

He dotes on his nephew, though, the day gabriel was born he bought him a police man onesie with matching hat. Which he, my dad and saint loved. He comes to see him as much as he can, avoiding any questions from me. It's funny how he thinks that I won't find out in the end though...

Today my little Gabriel is wearing his Everton kit with his daddy's number on the back, today is Colton's first game back after paternity leave we're playing CUFU and my man is starting along with Craig, Russ and Justin. Me, Catherine, Amber, Eva and Kathy are here in the family box waiting for the game to start.

When suddenly there's an uproar in the grounds, when z-cars starts to play through the speakers, followed by both teams walking out on to the pitch. "Look" I coo to my beautiful boy. "There's daddy"

As if he heard me, Colton looks up to the the family box window and blows us a kiss and signals to someone in the crowd.

What the fuck...

Suddenly music blasts through the speakers...

Imagine Dragons-I'm on top of the world.

Colton looks back to me and grins from ear to ear and points to me and Gabriel doing a heart with has hand against his heart. Craig, Russ and Justin come over to him and give him a man hug before they start singing along to the words.

"Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ey
I'm on top of the world, 'ey
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ey
Been holding it in for a while, 'ey
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world"

My heart soars to the words, he's got his dream, he has love, he has a family, he has his happily ever after...

When the music stops, one of the child mascots run onto the pitch holding a microphone, the kid passes Colton the microphone and Colton grins at him before ruffling his hair. "Testing, one, two, three—can y'all hear me?" He asks through the mic.

The stadium erupts in screams and claps making him chuckle. "Dayum, y'all—a yes would of sufficed" he teases them. "Anyway, I'm guessing you know by now that when one of us players have a kid, we have a song played before the game" he tells them his smile not once faltering. "Now, I don't know if you know this or not—but a month ago, I became a daddy for the first time" he says and laughs as everyone screams and claps. "Me and my beautiful wife, Layla, were blessed with a beautiful little boy, wasn't we angel?" He says looking up at me, I place my fingers against my lips blowing him a kiss which he returns. "Seriously, y'all, he's gorgeous, and I can't even put into words how lucky I feel, how happy I am" he says. "Now, can y'all do me a favour and welcome my boy, Gabriel, to Everton"

The ground erupts once again with screams and applause, Colton waves to everyone, thanking them for their support, before he follows the rest of his teammates out on to the pitch. I see him giving his teammates fist bumps as he runs past them, then hugging Craig as comes close to him.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now