Chapter Sixty Nine- Colton (Unedited)

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"Oh, my god" Layla squeals. "Gerard butler stood right here—I'm standing where Gerard butler stood, babe" my wife says as she looks at me excitedly.

Excuse me, if I'm not LEAPING for joy at that comment, angel...

Connall chuckles beside me. "Might aswell get comfy boyo, it's only gonna get worse"

"How can it get worse?" I grumble.

Connall chuckles again shaking his head. "Two words, mustang—sally"

I frown at his comment but he walks over to Layla and his wife whistling away. We're currently on our tour of all the spots where p.s I love you was filmed, of course once Ciara found out our plans, she was adamant to tag along.

What the fuck is mustang sally?!

"Next stop" Ciara says excitedly. "Whelan's Bar" she cries making Layla squeal with excitement and suddenly begins to sing. "Mustang sally, think you'd better slow, that mustang down"

I look to Connall and he grins at me with a what are you gonna do face and shrugs. "I love that scene, Gerard Butler is so haaaawt" my girl cries fanning herself.

I not so subtly clear my throat and arch my eyebrow at her. My girl giggles rolling her eyes at me as she sashays over to me with a sexy look in her eyes that has my cock twitching and whispers in my ear. "Don't worry baby, that's something else you can act out for me later" she purrs biting my earlobe gently.

I growl lowly stepping closer to her and watch as Connall and Ciara walk back the car leaving us on the p.s I love you bridge, I don't know what the fuck else to call it other than what it is. "Angel, I swear to fucking Christ, you're lucky that Connall and Ciara are here because that comment would have you bent over that wall getting fucked—hard" I growl cupping her ass in my hands.

"Ooooo, fucking on the p.s I love you bridge" she purrs. "I'd definitely take you up on that if Connall and Ciara weren't here" she moans. "God, I'm so fucking horny, it's not fair—it's all your fault" she cries. "I'm aching"

"Poor angel" I croon looking around subtly, I know Ciara and Connall can't see a goddamn thing from the car and there's nobody else in sight so rather than leaving my woman aching for me, I take my gloves off and shove my hands down her maternity pants which are thankfully stretchy so I can slip my hand inside with ease and straight into her panties. "You're gonna have to be quiet, angel" I croon as I find her soaked pussy. "Fuck—so wet for me" I groan.

"Colton" she hisses. "We can't—Oh, fuck" she moans quietly as I plunge two fingers inside her and my thumb circles her clit.

"Can't leave my angel, aching, now can I?" I croon as I lick her earlobe making her shiver with pleasure. "What kinda husband would that make me?"

"A shitty one" she moans making me chuckle as I look down at her beautiful face all flushed, her eyes dazed with her pouty lips parted, all you can hear is the sounds of her slick heat as I plunge my fingers into her tight wet heat, her erratic breathing and the odd cawing from the birds.

God, I wanna fuck her so bad...

"You're fucking getting it good, when we get back the cottage" I growl as I add a third finger inside her. "I want you on your knees sucking my cock, I want you on all fours so I can thrust my cock deep inside you as I fuck you hard and deep" I growl making her moan. "You like the sound of that, angel?" I croon nibbling on her bottom lip. "You like the sound of my big fat cock in your tight, wet pussy?" I growl.

"Shit" she cries out on a moan as she clamps down hard on my fingers.

"Good, girl" I croon. "Stay nice and quiet" I rasp and groan as her juices soak my fingers, I slowly pull them from her and she blushes furiously at my glistening fingers, I grin wickedly as I suck them into my mouth, groaning at the taste of her sweet juices exploding on my tongue. "Better than any honey I've ever tasted" I croon.

She blushes furiously again. "Colton" she hisses now that she come down from her high. "I'm soaking now, I need something to clean me up"

I groan, squeezing my already hard as fuck cock that's hidden behind a long coat. "Angel, you shouldn't say things like that" I growl. "Makes me wanna get down on my knees and lick you clean"

She giggles blushing furiously again. "I meant tissues, you dirty arse" she says swatting are me playfully.

"Don't pretend you don't love this dirty ass" I chuckle as I take a packet of tissues from my coat pocket and hand her them. She looks around nervously, which makes me chuckle because I've just had my fingers inside her pussy fingering her until she came, and now she's nervous. Her eyes narrow at me in warning, I open up my coat and she smiles at me gratefully as she steps inside my coat and starts cleaning herself up. When finished she looks around for a trash can but there's none in sight, so I hold my hands out for the tissues, she frowns at me in confusion. "Tissues, angel" I croon.

She hands them to me and fixes herself, I bring them to my nose smelling them and she grimaces. "You did not just sniff them tissues, Colton Coleman" she cries in embarrassment.

I chuckle with a shrug. "Angel, I've smelled, tasted, fucked that sweet pussy—we're basically bffs" I grin wickedly.

"Oh, my gawd" she groans at the sky as she walks away from me.

"You'll be screaming that the second you enter the cottage" I vow.

"Okay, Casanova, come on, Connall and Ciara are waiting for us" she giggles but I see the flush to her cheeks and the flare to her beautiful eyes before she turns away.

I reach out to take my hand in hers as we walk down towards the car where Connall and Ciara are waiting for us in their car, I look to the bridge and chuckle darkly.

I can now watch this p.s I love you film with the knowledge of the fact that I had my girl on this bridge...

"What are you chuckling at?" My girl asks me.

"The fact I can now watch this p.s I love you film with the knowledge of the fact that I had my fingers deep inside your pussy on that bridge" I grin smugly.

My angel grimces. "That's not even remotely funny" she hisses.

I shrug keeping my cheesy grin on my face. "You didn't say that before" I chuckle. "Besides, I think it is" I add.

"Oh, my god" she cries.

"Mustang Layla—think you better sloooow, that pussaaaay, down" I sing teasingly.

"Oh, my god" she cries. "Shut up" she says as she stomps to the car.

"I love yoooooou, angel" I shout just as she gets to the car and sends me a smirk before getting inside the car.

Yeah, she loves me...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now