Chapter Thirty One- Layla

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It's been five days since Rebecca attacked Catherine, Catherine woke up on the third day but the doctors wanted to keep her in for observation we're now on day five. She texted me earlier in a group message if I'd help plan her wedding, of fucking course I would. I'm already in wedding planner mode.

I'm in the shower washing my hair as I'm going on to visit my girl today, suddenly I feel heat at my back. "You didn't wake me, angel," Colton says as he kisses my neck and his hands glide all over my body.

"I thought you'd want a sleep in," I say breathlessly.

"What I want, is to wake with my woman in my arms and for me to slip my cock deep inside her tight pussy" he growls in my ear.

I shiver with need. "Well, you could improvise" I purr as I turn in his arms. "And slip you big hard cock in my tight pussy, right here"

His eyes darken as he growls at me pushing me against the shower wall. "Lift your legs angel, wrap them around my waist"

I do as he asks and he hisses. "Jesus, fuck, angel— I can feel how soaked you are for me" he chokes.

"Are you gonna do anything about it?" I taunt.

His eyes flash, suddenly he's balls deep inside me making us both moan in unison. "Fucking hell, angel" he groans as he fucks me against the shower wall.

"Colton" I moan. "Harder" I cry.

His eyes find mine, and he lets out guttural growl and begins to fuck me harder, deeper. "Yes!" I cry.

"This what you want, angel mine" he growls. "Me fucking you so hard, so fucking deep?"

"Yes, Oh—fuck Colton, YES!!!" I cry.

"So fucking beautiful, so fucking sexy, so fucking mine" he growls as he pistons in and out of me.

"Yes," I cry. "Yours" I add as I start to feel the build of my orgasm, Colton reaches for my breast and covers his mouth over my nipple sucking hard making me cry out and setting off my orgasm. "Colton" I cry in ecstasy.

"Fuck, yes, angel—squeeze my dick" he groans. "Fuuuuuuck" he groans as he grinds his body into mine, his cock hitting something that has me crying out in pleasure. "Yes, Colton" I cry.

"You like that, angel?" He growls and grinds into me faster.

"Fuck" I cry.

"Yeah" he groans squeezing my arse cheeks.

"Oh, my god, Colton" I scream as I explode around him again.

"Fuck, yes, angel— squeeze me, baby" I hear Colton roar. "Fuck—Layla" he bellows.

Colton slows his movements down letting us both ride out our orgasms, I sigh in contentment. "Good Morning"

Colton laughs as he lifts his head up from the crease of my neck. "Good morning, angel mine" he croons kissing me softly.

He slowly pulls himself from me making me whimper in need and his eyes darken once more. "You make that noise again, angel mine, and I won't be held responsible for my actions" he growls making my nipples harden once more.

I bite my lip whilst looking up at him through my lashes. He breathing has quickened, he growls picking me up and throws me over his shoulder smacking me on the arse. I gasp and moan at the feeling that's just shot to my pussy. "One day soon, I'm gonna fuck this ass" he growls spanking me once more.

I moan in need, whimpering at the thought of this gorgeous man owning every part of me. "My girl likes the sound of that, huh?" He croons as he lowers me down to the floor in our bedroom.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now