Chapter Six-Colton

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We arrive at the place that has been my home since I was eight years old. I look at the house and it brings back a lot of memories for me. Over the years Momma K and Saint had been my constant, the only two people who had shown me kindness and love.

Saint was like a father to me, he had shown me how to ride a bike, and how to shave. He and Momma K had become friends over the years too, I remember my first birthday with Momma K. Saint had pulled every string to make sure he could spend the weekend with us to celebrate my first ever birthday.

That day was one of the best days of my life...

Me and Craig had taken turns in driving from Dallas to here, it didn't take as long as it did when I first made the journey.

"Aww, mate, dya reckon momma k will make us those cookies she sends us?" Craig groans licking his lips.

I chuckle at my best friend. "No doubt, she's probably cooked up a fucking storm in there" I laugh.

We walk up the pathway and I go to let myself in, but the door is locked. What the fuck? Since when does she lock the door? "Momma?" I shout banging on the door.

In the corner of my eye, I see Craig move to the side of the house. "Eh, bro" Craig whispers.

"What? What're you whispering for?" I hiss.

"Dude, there's someone climbing out your ma's window ere in his boxies" he grins.

What the fuck?

I walk fast to the corner where Craig stood with a grin the size of Texas as he points to the man who is, in fact, climbing out my momma's window. "Boo" Craig shouts scaring the man mid-climb and he slips falling out the window. Luckily for this fucker, momma k's house is all on one floor. Unlucky for him, he's not about to get his ass kicked.

I pick the man up by his shirt his back to me. "Motherfucker, who the fuck are you? And what're you doin climbing out my momma's window in just your underwear?" I growl.

Craig uses that moment to nudge me. "Eh, dya reckon he's like George McFly in back to the future? You know, where he's in the tree—" he grins.

"Craig, bro" I shake my head. "Shut up"

He does an invisible zip across his lips and holds his hands up in surrender. When suddenly, the man starts standing up properly. "Kathy" He booms.

And I instantly recognise that voice. Oh, fuck no!!!

"Michael—I gon' did told you already, no more fuckery" I hear momma's voice. "Where are you, you fool?"

Craig starts chuckling his ass off next to, best friend or not I'm gonna lay him on his ass. I send a warning glare to him, which only makes him start doin the doggy style motion. "You're dead" I mouth to him.

"How about you unlock the door momma?" I growl.

"Oh, shit" I hear her mutter.

I let go of saint and he turns to look at me with a sheepish grin. "Hey, Colt"

"Don't fucking hey me saint" I growl.

"Oh, shit—this is some straight-up Jeremy Kyle shit, this" Craig whoops as he sits on the swinging bench.

Who the fuck is Jeremy Kyle??

Curiosity gets the best of me. "Who's Jeremy Kyle?" I ask my pain in the ass best friend.

Craig chuckles. "Oh, it's this dude that presents this fucked up programme me mum used to watch of a morning," he says. "Kinda like Jerry Springer" he adds in explanation. "You know, Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" He chants doing a fist in the air.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now