Chapter Sixty Two- Layla (Unedited)

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"Oh, my god" I moan as I lick the last speck of cheesecake left on my spoon. "That was—" I moan sucking on it again.

"Fuck. Me" Colton growls beside me.

"You okay there, Lay-Lay?" Craig chuckles. "Do you need five minutes alone with your spoon"

"Fuck off, lurch—before stick this spoon where the sun don't shine" I growl.

"Ooo, Lay-Lay's gotta kinky streak—who woulda thought" Russ teases me.

I look towards amber who is talking to mama k, laughing at whatever's been said. "Amber, babe"I pout gaining amber's attention. "Russ and Craig are being mean to me"

I swear to fuck, faster than fucking lightning she slaps both Russ and Craig at the back of their heads before growling. "Leave Lay-Lay And Catherine alone—okay?!" She glares at them. "You do not tease pregnant women" she growls pointing at them.

"Yes, baby" Russ croons.

"Sorry, sis" Craig croons.

"Suck asses" I hear saint mutter under his breath earning a swift slap to the back of the head by mama k.

"Dayum, woman, what you gon' hit me for?" He grumbles. "I was jokin is all"

The gong goes off and the MC announces its time for the speeches. My dad stands up nervously, he always hated being centre of attention, but I know he's doing it for me.

He sighs as he looks at me, my mum clutches his hand in support. "I didn't think I'd have to do this so soon" dad grumbles. "My little princess is a married woman now" he smiles brightly. "And she's gonna be a mummy in a few months—she's all grown up now, grown up into a stunning young woman, and I couldn't be more proud of her. Colton, I wanna Thankyou" he says looking at my husband. "You came into my daughters life when she was just surviving, she had this smile that was never her smile—and for a long time, that's all we had, but when you came into her life, you made her smile the way she always did before—" he chokes. "You saved our little girl, and gave her reason to smile again colton, and for that I'll be forever grateful, you're a good man Colton, and I'm damn proud to call you family" dad says seriously. "To the bride and groom" dad raises his glass as everyone replies to the bride and groom.

I get up, no fucks given with tears cascading down my cheeks and go to my dad, I have and will always be a daddy's girl, no matter how old I am. "I love you, daddy" I choke as his arms come around me.

"I love you, more, my princess, always" he says softly before kissing the top of my head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the groom" the mc announces I look back to my husband who stands up proudly, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I know you said I brought her back to life, sir—but the truth is, she brought me back to life" he says softly. "I was an empty man when I first came here, walking around with an empty smile" he says before he sighs heavily. "I didn't have the best upbringing before I met my mama and pops, my birth mom—yeah, I won't go there but over the years I've had love and support from my mama and my pops, but I still felt empty, you know? And then I met Craig" he grins taking his eyes from me for the first time to look at his best friend who grins at him. "My best friend who is like a brother to me, we were both lucky to be signed to the club—Craig was miserable, missing Catherine" he chuckles at Craig's pouty face. "When we went in search of her in town, that's when I saw the most beautiful sight ever to grace my eyes" he says looking at me making me blush. "God, she lit up the room, you still do—I was drawn to you like a moth to a flame, I knew I had to have you" he tells me reaching for me.

Without thought I go to him, letting go of my daddy's hand but blowing him a kiss before I let him go properly. "From that night, you lit up my world, my very soul and brought me back to life—you showed me love and devotion, you filled my heart up to the very brim" he chokes. "I'm so in love with you, angel, and I'm so lucky and blessed to have you as my wife, and as the mother of our children" he says softly as a tear cascades down his cheek, without a thought, I kiss the tear away and squeeze his hand. "I'd like you all to raise your glasses please, and join me in making a toast to my beautiful wife—to Layla" he says raising his glass.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now