Chapter Five Colton-Three Years At Camp (Unedited)

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"Fella's we got us some visitors here, today" Will shouts. "Some of y'all, may get offered a contract, some of y'all may not—do not let this affect you, y'all a bunch'o talented fuckers"

"I think I'm rubbing off on im', he's robbin' me words" Craig chuckles.

I grin looking at my best friend Craig. "Who dya reckons ere?" I ask him.

"I'm hoping big Dunc has come back, to be honest," he tells me. "I still can't believe he was here last week"

"You'll get picked," I tell him. "He'd be stupid not to"

He grins at me, patting my back. "Thanks, man"

But what if I don't get picked? What then?

"You'll get picked, bro" Craig grins. "I'll bet my first paycheck on it"

"When do we find out if we're picked or not?" Dwight smith asks will.

"Daddy's probably paid for him to be signed" Craig mutters to me with a look of disgust to Dwight.

I cough to hide my chuckle as Dwight looks over to us. "Did you hear that coach?" Dwight complains looking at us.

"Didn't hear a thing Dwight" will says looking at us as he tries to hide a smirk. "Y'all should get a phone call, once your visitor arrives," he tells us. "It's been a privilege to work with you fellas, I'm damn proud of you all"

Later that day, me and Craig are back at our dorm that we share when suddenly our phone rings. Craig gets up from his bed and nervously looks at me. "Go on," I tell him.

"Hello?" He says answering the phone, he listens to what the person is saying and he looks at me with a big grin. "We're both to come down to the hall?"

My heart leaps with a mixture of emotions, excitement and nerves as he puts the phone down. "We've both gotta go down to the hall, someone is waiting for us" Craig laughs. "This is it, bro!! We're finally getting signed" He whoops happily. "Come on," he says to me and runs out the room.

Following him, I shut our door over and chase after him. We're both stood outside the hall doorway, our nerves getting the best of us. "You knock," he tells me.

"What? No, you knock" I whisper back to him.

"Both of you get your asses in here" will bellows from the other side of the door. "Fucking bickering like a pair of bitches"

We open the doors and walk in, there sat behind a large desk is big dunc and will. Duncan, we met last week as he came to watch us play, Craig had been talking to him, he'd actually asked him whether it was his brother—Russ, who had sent him. Dunc had laughed and told him that Russ didn't even know he was here.

"Take a seat, fellas" dunc grins gesturing to the seats.

We both walk up to the table and shake dunc and wills hands. "Good to see you again, lads" Duncan smiles warmly at us both as we sit down. "I'm gonna cut right to the chase, okay?"

Me and Craig look at each other nervously, Craig holds his fist out to me. I meet his fist with my own, and look back towards dunc and will. Craig has become like a brother to me, for him to be signed by Everton is a big thing for him as he gets to go home.

He gets to see his Catherine again, his family. Me, I'll be gutted if I don't get signed. But he's my brother and I'll damned happy for him when he gets to go home.

"We want you both" Duncan tells us.

What. The. Fuck?!?

"Bro, what did I TELL you?" Craig whoops happily pulling me in for a hug.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now