Chapter Twenty Two- Colton

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"I have another surprise for you," I tell her as I  tighten my embrace.

"Colton, I don't—" she says before I cut her off.

"Ah—buh, buh, buh!" I say putting a finger on her beautiful sweet lips. "I wanna spoil my girl on her birthday, is that too much to ask?" I ask her with an exaggerated pout.

"Oh, my god" she whines. "You cannot do that pout Colton, it's not fair"

I flutter my eyelashes and stick my bottom lip out too. "Oh, Jesus— you're too cute" she groans making me grin. "Oh, Lord— not the dimples too" she cries making me chuckle.

My heart is lighter telling her my past and telling her how I feel, the fear I felt of her leaving me or not feeling the same way scared me something fierce. I love how she makes me feel, I love that she can make me laugh and smile, I just love—her.

"Angel, please" I plead.

She huffs. "You're too much, the bracelet is more than enough Colton," she tells me.

I shrug. "In my opinion, it's nowhere near enough," I tell her. "Now, are you ready for your surprise?"

She grins brightly, that smile that knocks me on my ass. "Okay, hit me"

"Well, we're going out tonight—yeah?" I ask her.

"Apparently" she teases pinching my ass cheek.

"Minx" I growl spanking her ass gently. "What would you say to a shopping trip? You could get a new dress? Get your hair done—whatever you want, angel" I croon.

"Really?" She asks me.

"Whatever you want, angel mine," I say.

"Okay, well, does everyone know we're going out?" She asks me.


She sees my expression and giggles, the sound is music to my ears. "Don't worry baby, I got you" she winks getting her phone out. "We'll have to stop at my apartment first so I can shower and change," she says tapping away at her screen.

My mind instantly goes to a naked, wet Layla in the shower with bubbles cascading down her beautiful body. "Hey—where did you just go then?" She chuckles.

My eyes meet hers and she blushes furiously, smacking my arm lightly. "Naughty boy" she coos.

I subtly adjust my hard as fuck cock in my pants, control of this bastard has gone out the window. My angel is like a fucking beacon to my cock, I try to calm the fucker down before we leave the studio. My phone rings and I reach in my phone for and see it's Momma K wanting to FaceTime, I answer it and her beautiful face comes through onto the screen. "Hey momma" I smile with a wave.

"There's my boy" she coos. "I just wanted to check in on ya and see how my darlin' sweet girl Layla is"

"Hey Mamma K" Layla says happily with a wave.

"There she is," momma says with a bright smile on her face. "How are you, sweet girl?" She asks her.

"I'm good mamma k, how are you?" She asks her.

"Oh, I'm fine child—just fine" she coos. "Is my boy looking after you?"

"Oh, Yeah—he's looking after me" she smiles brightly up at me.

"It's Layla's birthday today," I tell my mom.

"Oh, sweet girl—Happy Birthday!!" Mom cries happily.

Layla blushes furiously whilst nudging me discreetly. "Thankyou mamma"

"Now, what have you two lovebirds got planned for tonight?" Momma asks us.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now