Chapter Thirty Four- Layla

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The wedding was amazing, well, up until the bride and groom snuck out the reception party. They're going on honeymoon tomorrow to Paris, a gift from me and Colton.

We left shortly after finding out Catherine and Craig snuck out, walking up to our apartment. I open the door with the key, I look back to him his eyes are dark and hungry and my stomach clenches with need. Stepping forward, he takes me in his arms aggressively and plants his lips on mine. I giggle as he walks us farther into our apartment and shuts the door, he holds my jaw just as he wants me and kisses me deeply, the two of us standing still for a moment.

His tongue swipes through my open lips, his hands slide down my body until he's cupping my arse and smiles against my lips. For a long time we just stand and kiss. Suddenly I feel him pulling the zip of my dress at the back and unclips the strap that's holding it up, it falls to the floor. His hungry eyes drop down my body, taking me in. I'm dressed in a strapless white lace bra and matching thong, the lace thong and thigh high stockings he's already seen. "I've missed this beautiful pussy." He cups me dragging the lace thong with one hand and jerks me towards him. "Anyone would think that you weren't with me today, Colton." I giggle.

He raises his eyebrow sarcastically at my comment.

"I have to admit, I missed your cock, too" I purr as I kiss him tenderly and his eyes close in reverence. He peels my thong from my legs and unclasps my bra letting it drop to the floor, then he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I laugh in excitement. "Colton, put me down." He takes off towards our bedroom, slapping me hard on my bare arse.

"Ouch," I cry as I put my hands on his lower back to try and keep myself up.

Suddenly, I'm dropped onto our bed and another giggle escapes my lips. His eyes are dark as he looks down at me, he starts to strip slowly. "Open your legs" he growls.

I comply instantly, mesmerised by his perfection. He stands before me in his black boxers, his hard cock straining behind them. I lick my lips in anticipation.

"Touch yourself" he growls.

My eyes widen at his words and he looks at me waiting for me to comply. I just stare at him, blushing furiously.

"Angel, touch yourself" he growls taking his cock from his boxers and starts stroking himself, my mouth dries at the scene before me. I look back towards him and his eyes are fixed on my pussy.

I slowly slide my hand down over my breast, then over my stomach until my fingers reach my pussy.

God, I'm soaked...

"That's it, angel" he croons. "Show me"

I look to him confused, show him what?

"Show yourself to me" he tells me.

I bite my bottom lip, and pull my lips apart. I look to him to see his reaction.

He smiles licking at his lips. "That's it, angel" he croons. "Put your fingers in your pussy and show me how wet you are for me" He growls.

I slowly slide a finger inside my pussy, Colton growls in approval. "Another" He rasps.

Opening my legs wider, I add a second finger inside my pussy, I throw my head back in pleasure. "Work yourself, angel" I hear him say.

I slide my fingers in and out slowly, repeating it until I hear him groan and mutter. "Fuck"

He kneels on the mattress, completely naked now and takes my fingers from my pussy putting them in his mouth, sucking them. "I fucking love how you taste, angel mine" he growls. "I'm so fucking addicted to the taste of you, it's not even funny"

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now