Chapter Sixty Seven-Colton (Unedited)

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We arrive at our cottage, just twenty minutes from Dublin's city centre. The cottage itself is in a secluded part of the countryside, exiting the car first, I run around to my wife's side and open her door lifting her bridal style making her giggle. "Babe, you're meant to wait till we get home to carry me over the threshold" she teases. "Come on, put my heavy arse down before you pull a muscle," she tells me as she pats my chest.

"One, I don't give a fuck, I'll do the same at home and two, are you fuck heavy, get that shit out of that pretty head of yours now, you're beautiful and you weigh lighter than what I lift at the gym, so shush" I scold her playfully giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Ciara" Connall shouts as he approaches the cottage. "Where are ya?"

"I'm Comin'" Ciara shouts. "Impatient fecker—jaysus"

"Wow," my girl says in awe looking at the cottage. "It's beautiful"

The cottage is old looking but with a modern twist to it, it has a thatched roof, stable doors with flowers covering the walls around the cottage.

Just then a woman appears from the side of the cottage wiping her hands on a tea towel

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Just then a woman appears from the side of the cottage wiping her hands on a tea towel. "Oh, Howya?" She grins. "I'm Ciara, this ones missus" she grins gesturing to Connall. "You must be the newlyweds?!" she asks with a warm smile, I nod in response.

"Oh, that's grand, congratulations to you both," she says happily.

"They also have a babby on the way too" Connall grins at his wife.

Ciara squeals happily. "Oh, a babby—Aww, you must be beyond ecstatic?" She cries.

"Yeah" I grin putting my hand on Layla's stomach.

"Oh, look at yer, all proud and shit" she chuckles. "That's so cute, isn't he cute Connall?" She asks her husband.

"Err" Connall says uncomfortably.

Ciara tuts and rolls her eyes at him before walking over to us. "It's lovely to meet you" she says happily.

"You too" I grin. "I'm colton, by the way and this is my wife" I say gesturing to Layla. "Layla"

"Oh, well, it's a pleasure to meet you both" she says happily and takes out a set of keys from her pants pocket. "These are the keys to the cottage, there is a welcome basket in the kitchen, though the cupboards and fridge are fully stocked with food, should you want to stay in" she tells us as she hands us the keys. "Our numbers are in with the welcome pack, so if you need anything, or if you need to schedule Connall to take you somewhere, just let us know" she adds happily.

"We're your neighbours, but our house is a couple of acres away, so you have your own privacy" Connall adds tucking his wife to his side.

"So, we'll leave you guys to it, okay?" Ciara says warmly.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now