Chapter Forty- Layla (Unedited)

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It's the day after Colton's birth mum's funeral, I'm watching a shirtless Colton do fence repairs around his mums home, I watch as he lifts the hammer over his head—my mouth dries at the sight of his gorgeous muscular body contracting. As if he senses somebody watching he looks straight to me, wiping the sweat from his forehead grins at me and blows me a kiss.

"God, that man should come with a warning label" I mutter to myself as I fan myself.

"I told that boy I'd do that fence later" Saint grumbles at my side making me jump. "Sorry darlin', I didn't mean to scare ya" he chuckles.

"It's okay" I laugh. "I was in a world of my own"

"That world being Colton you mean" he chuckles with a wink making me blush furiously.

Saint huffs. "Look at im' any excuse to take his shirt off" he chuckles making me giggle out loud which gets the attention of Colton

"Stop flirtin' with my girl, pops" Colton shouts over to us.

Saints face morphs into a grin so big you can't help but smile too and you know it's because Colton called saint pops. "What if she's flirtin' with me?" Saint teases him.

I roll my eyes at Saint playfully as he winks at me. "I find that hard to believe pops, seen as though my angel hasn't taken her eyes off me," he says with a grin.

"She was waitin' for me, is all" Saint shouts back.

"Stop tormentin' the boy, Michael," Kathy says announcing her presence.

Saint looks at his future wife with so much love, it makes my own heart soar. "I was doin' no such thing, precious" he grins and kisses her.

"Mmmhmm," she says breathlessly.

I look away before they catch me looking in at their private moment.

"And how are you this morning, sweet girl?" Kathy asks me.

"Good" I smile at her.

"And my boy?" She asks hesitantly.

I look to Colton as he looks over with a beaming smile. "He seems like he has less weight on his shoulders, he's smiling a lot more often too," I tell her.

"He's held a lot of anger in for what he's momma did to him, how she treated him—yesterday was about releasing that anger," Saint says softly. "But you darlin', you are what's making him smile— we never had that smile, a real smile, we always got the facade," he tells me. "Don't get me wrong he did smile, but it was rare that it was his real one"

"You've brought light back into my boys' life, sweet girl," Kathy says as saint wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close. "And for that, I'll be forever grateful"

I blush, smiling shyly. "He's been the same for me too, I—"

"I hope you two haven't spoilt my surprise?" Colton asks as he comes closer towards us as he drinks his bottle of water.

My mouth goes dry, watching his Adam's apple move up and down as he drinks the water. God, it's so fucking sexy—even drinking water he's sexy...

Colton chuckle coughs as he chokes on his water. "What the hell?" I cry and I immediately start patting his back. "Angel, I'm okay" He croaks with a grin.

"What are you laughing at? You've just nearly choked on water—that shit ain't funny" I scold him.

Momma K snort laughs as does Saint, I frown at them in confusion. "Angel—you just took me by surprise, is all" Colton chuckles.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now